Hibernate many-to-many data retrieval
我有两个对象用户和联系人,具有多对多关系,我正在为这个关系 USER_CONTACT
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | public class User { private Integer userID; private String userLoginEmail; private String password; private Set<Contact> contactSet = new HashSet<Contact>(); . . } public class Contact implements Serializable { private Integer contactID; private String givenName; private String familyName; private Set<User> userSet = new HashSet<User>(); . . } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | <class name="User" table="USERACCOUNT"> <id column="USER_ID" length="500" name="userID"> <generator class="increment" /> </id> <property column="USER_LOGIN_EMAIL" generated="never" lazy="false" length="100" name="userLoginEmail" /> <property column="USER_FIRSTNAME" generated="never" lazy="false" length="100" name="userFirstName" /> <property column="USER_LASTNAME" generated="never" lazy="false" length="100" name="userLastName" /> <set name="contactSet" table="USER_CONTACT" inverse="false" lazy="false" fetch="select" cascade="all"> <key column="USER_ID"/> <many-to-many column="CONTACT_ID" class="com.smallworks.model.Contact"/> </set> </class> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | <class name="Contact" table="CONTACT"> <id column="CONTACT_ID" length="500" name="contactID"> <generator class="increment"/> </id> <property column="GIVEN_NAME" generated="never" lazy="false" length="100" name="givenName"/> <property column="FAMILY_NAME" generated="never" lazy="false" length="100" name="familyName"/> <!-- many to many mapping with the User via User_Contact table --> <set inverse="true" lazy="false" name="userSet" sort="unsorted" table="USER_CONTACT"> <key column="USER_ID"/> <many-to-many class="com.smallworks.model.Contact" column="CONTACT_ID" unique="false"/> </set> </class> |
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