What is a verbatim string?
1 | var v = @"something"; |
在序列中的字符串逐字的Escape(such as
is also to extend the字符串允许线:过多,for exampleP></
1 2 3 | var s = @" line1 line2"; |
the same the字符串将出现在你的方式你的型与EN源码,网络中断,我知道你不要担心的newlines indents,等。P></
在使用quotes to inside逐字的literal them:双,你只是P></
1 | @"This is a string with""quotes""." |
它chars均值,特别不好escaped since You need to,to the characters编译器期望了解情况,完全是ignore them,and to。在共同使用的房屋,可以在连接字符串specify:be toP></
1 | string sqlServer = @"SERVER01\SQL"; |
perfectly this is valid,as to where the opposed正常使用反斜杠字符会安:好的事情考虑。P></