How to speed up A* algorithm at large spatial scales?
从http:/ / / / NetLogo模特/社区/ astardemo I编码的A *算法,通过使用一个网络节点的最小成本路径的定义。的代码似乎工作,但它是太慢时,我会使用它在大的空间尺度上的景观。我院有1000 x 1000个补丁补丁补丁的像素1 = 1。即使我减少它在400×400的补丁的补丁的补丁在1 = 1的像素,但它是太慢(i can’t修改下面的补丁的补丁景观400×400)。这里是代码:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 | to find-path [ source-node destination-node] let search-done? false let search-path [] let current-node 0 set list-open [] set list-closed [] let list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed [] let list-links [] set list-open lput source-node list-open while [ search-done? != true] [ ifelse length list-open != 0 [ set list-open sort-by [[f] of ?1 < [f] of ?2] list-open set current-node item 0 list-open set list-open remove-item 0 list-open set list-closed lput current-node list-closed ask current-node [ if parent-node != 0[ set list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed lput link-with parent-node list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed ] ifelse any? (nodes-on neighbors4) with [ (xcor = [ xcor ] of destination-node) and (ycor = [ycor] of destination-node)] [ set search-done? true ] [ ask (nodes-on neighbors4) with [ (not member? self list-closed) and (self != parent-node) ] [ if not member? self list-open and self != source-node and self != destination-node [ set list-open lput self list-open set parent-node current-node set list-links sentence (list-links-with-nodes-in-list-closed) (link-with parent-node) set g sum (map [ [link-cost] of ? ] list-links) set h distance destination-node set f (g + h) ] ] ] ] ] [ user-message("A path from the source to the destination does not exist." ) report [] ] ] set search-path lput current-node search-path let temp first search-path while [ temp != source-node ] [ ask temp [ set color red ] set search-path lput [parent-node] of temp search-path set temp [parent-node] of temp ] set search-path fput destination-node search-path set search-path reverse search-path print search-path end |
迷宫1280 x 800 x 32位像素
- 如你所见,花了23毫秒
- 无多线程(AMD 3.2GHz)
- C++ 32位应用程序(BDS2006 Turbo C++或Borland C++ Builder 2006,如果您愿意)
- 我找到的最慢的路径大约是44毫秒(几乎填满整个地图)
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~A_star(); void _freemap(); // release map memory void _freepnt(); // release px,py memory // inteface void resize(int _xs,int _ys); // realloc map to new resolution void set(Graphics::TBitmap *bmp,DWORD col_wall); // copy bitmap to map void get(Graphics::TBitmap *bmp); // draw map to bitmap for debuging void compute(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1); // compute path from x0,y0 to x1,y1 output to px,py }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A_star::A_star() { map=NULL; xs=0; ys=0; px=NULL; py=NULL; ps=0; } A_star::~A_star() { _freemap(); _freepnt(); } void A_star::_freemap() { if (map) delete[] map; map=NULL; xs=0; ys=0; } void A_star::_freepnt() { if (px) delete[] px; px=NULL; if (py) delete[] py; py=NULL; ps=0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_star::resize(int _xs,int _ys) { if ((xs==_xs)&&(ys==_ys)) return; _freemap(); xs=_xs; ys=_ys; map=new DWORD*[ys]; for (int y=0;y<ys;y++) map[y]=new DWORD[xs]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_star::set(Graphics::TBitmap *bmp,DWORD col_wall) { int x,y; DWORD *p,c; resize(bmp->Width,bmp->Height); for (y=0;y<ys;y++) for (p=(DWORD*)bmp->ScanLine[y],x=0;x<xs;x++) { c=A_star_space; if (p[x]==col_wall) c=A_star_wall; map[y][x]=c; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_star::get(Graphics::TBitmap *bmp) { int x,y; DWORD *p,c; bmp->SetSize(xs,ys); for (y=0;y<ys;y++) for (p=(DWORD*)bmp->ScanLine[y],x=0;x<xs;x++) { c=map[y][x]; if (c==A_star_wall ) c=0x00000000; else if (c==A_star_space) c=0x00FFFFFF; else c=((c>>1)&0x7F)+0x00404040; p[x]=c; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_star::compute(int x0,int y0,int x1,int y1) { int x,y,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,xx,yy; DWORD i,j,e; // [clear previous paths] for (y=0;y<ys;y++) for (x=0;x<xs;x++) if (map[y][x]!=A_star_wall) map[y][x]=A_star_space; /* // [A* no-optimizatims] xmin=x0; xmax=x0; ymin=y0; ymax=y0; if (map[y0][x0]==A_star_space) for (i=0,j=1,e=1,map[y0][x0]=i;(e)&&(map[y1][x1]==A_star_space);i++,j++) for (e=0,y=ymin;y<=ymax;y++) for ( x=xmin;x<=xmax;x++) if (map[y][x]==i) { yy=y-1; xx=x; if ((yy>=0)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; if (ymin>yy) ymin=yy; } yy=y+1; xx=x; if ((yy<ys)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; if (ymax<yy) ymax=yy; } yy=y; xx=x-1; if ((xx>=0)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; if (xmin>xx) xmin=xx; } yy=y; xx=x+1; if ((xx<xs)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; if (xmax<xx) xmax=xx; } } */ // [A* changed points list] // init space for 2 points list _freepnt(); int i0=0,i1=xs*ys,n0=0,n1=0,ii; px=new int[i1*2]; py=new int[i1*2]; // if start is not on space then stop if (map[y0][x0]==A_star_space) { // init start position to first point list px[i0+n0]=x0; py[i0+n0]=y0; n0++; map[y0][x0]=0; // search until hit the destination (swap point lists after each iteration and clear the second one) for (j=1,e=1;(e)&&(map[y1][x1]==A_star_space);j++,ii=i0,i0=i1,i1=ii,n0=n1,n1=0) // test neibours of all points in first list and add valid new points to second one for (e=0,ii=i0;ii<i0+n0;ii++) { x=px[ii]; y=py[ii]; yy=y-1; xx=x; if ((yy>=0)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; px[i1+n1]=xx; py[i1+n1]=yy; n1++; map[yy][xx]=j; } yy=y+1; xx=x; if ((yy<ys)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; px[i1+n1]=xx; py[i1+n1]=yy; n1++; map[yy][xx]=j; } yy=y; xx=x-1; if ((xx>=0)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; px[i1+n1]=xx; py[i1+n1]=yy; n1++; map[yy][xx]=j; } yy=y; xx=x+1; if ((xx<xs)&&(map[yy][xx]==A_star_space)){ map[yy][xx]=j; e=1; px[i1+n1]=xx; py[i1+n1]=yy; n1++; map[yy][xx]=j; } } } // [reconstruct path] _freepnt(); if (map[y1][x1]==A_star_space) return; if (map[y1][x1]==A_star_wall) return; ps=map[y1][x1]+1; px=new int[ps]; py=new int[ps]; for (i=0;i<ps;i++) { px[i]=x0; py[i]=y0; } for (x=x1,y=y1,i=ps-1,j=i-1;i>=0;i--,j--) { px[i]=x; py[i]=y; if ((y> 0)&&(map[y-1][x]==j)) { y--; continue; } if ((y<ys-1)&&(map[y+1][x]==j)) { y++; continue; } if ((x> 1)&&(map[y][x-1]==j)) { x--; continue; } if ((x<xs-0)&&(map[y][x+1]==j)) { x++; continue; } break; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | // init A_star map; Graphics::TBitmap *maze=new Graphics::TBitmap; maze->LoadFromFile("maze.bmp"); maze->HandleType=bmDIB; maze->PixelFormat=pf32bit; map.set(maze,0); // walls are 0x00000000 (black) // this can be called repetitive without another init map.compute(x0,y0,x1,y1); // map.px[],[] holds the path map.get(maze,0); // this is just for drawing the result map back to bitmap for viewing |
1 2 | Greedy Search = distance from end Djikstra's Algorithm = distance from start |
对于一个不同密度的稀疏图的例子,参见David Wallace Croft的高级Java编程的第8章:Apress:HTTP//www. ApRES.COM/GAME-PLICANG/JAVA/981590591239
不幸的是,由于Java 1.7不允许未签名的小程序,所以不能在网页中运行模型,而不必调整Java安全设置。很抱歉。但是读一下描述。