关于iso8601:xCBL的ISO 8601日期时间是否包括短划线?

Should ISO 8601 datetime for xCBL include dashes or not?

xCBL文档与日期时间格式的ISO 8601标准之间似乎存在差异。


datetime: A combination Date and Time. Note the presence of a"T" character between the date and time portions, and the use of colons to separate hours, minutes, and seconds. These are as per ISO 8601.
Format: YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS[[+-]HH:MM]? (the first MM is Months, the other two are minutes)


The formats are as follows. Exactly the components shown here must be present, with exactly this punctuation. Note that the"T" appears literally in the string, to indicate the beginning of the time element, as specified in ISO 8601. Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)


Date and time expressed according to ISO 8601: Combined date and time in UTC: 2014-06-10T13:52:43+00:00


有没有人对此有最终决定权? 我正在开发一个API的应用程序,它已经按照ISO 8601格式"按照xCBL标准"请求了日期时间,但由于定义了各种方法而导致冲突。

我没有访问标准,但维基百科明确表示像YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS [[+ - ] HH:MM]这样的格式不是有效的ISO日期。如果有权访问该标准的人可以检查它并在评论中确认或修复我的答案和维基百科文章,我将非常高兴。

也就是说,维基百科的文章说"单个时间点可以通过连接一个完整的日期表达式,字母T作为分隔符和一个有效的时间表达式来表示./.../可以使用基本或扩展格式,但是日期和时间必须使用相同的格式。" (粗体格式由我)。这意味着,例如2014-12-05T09:53:48和20141205T095348有效,但2014-12-05T095348和20141205T09:53:48不是。


Representations can be done in one of two formats – a basic format with a minimal number of separators or an extended format with separators added to enhance human readability. The standard notes that"The basic format should be avoided in plain text." The separator used between date values (year, month, week, and day) is the hyphen, while the colon is used as the separator between time values (hours, minutes, and seconds)..


ISO 8601涵盖了几种有效格式(包括省略组件);大多数实现使用限制来简化/统一 -"按照xCBL"的注释对特定格式施加了这样的限制。