Excel VBA: Autofilter with multiple criteria, only filtering by last entry in array
我已经设置了代码,因此,如果要过滤的列是数字,它将遍历它们并将包含" xxx"的任何数字添加到数组(每个数字的第一个实例)中。然后,我将此数组用作自动过滤器的条件。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | If isInCol Then ' filter the table by the selected col; Use Range Sort With ActiveSheet If sortField = 10 Or sortField = 21 Then ' sort by a searched array ' sort through values, add matching to array For Each foo In filterColumn If InStr(CStr(foo.Value), filterText) Then If arrayCounter = 0 Then sortKeyNum(arrayCounter) = CDbl(foo.Value) arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1 ElseIf foo.Value <> sortKeyNum(arrayCounter - 1) Then sortKeyNum(arrayCounter) = CDbl(foo.Value) arrayCounter = arrayCounter + 1 End If End If Next foo ReDim Preserve sortKeyNum(arrayCounter - 1) currentData.AutoFilter Field:=sortField, Criteria1:=sortKeyNum, Operator:=xlFilterValues ' , VisibleDropDown:=False ' NOTE: ^^^^THIS IS WHERE MY CODE IS FAILING^^^^ Else currentData.AutoFilter Field:=sortField, Criteria1:=sortKey ' , VisibleDropDown:=False End If currentData.Sort key1:=filterColumn, Order1:=sortOrder, Header:=xlYes End With End If |