关于 android:Google Maps API – 从郊区开始到结束标记街道

Google Maps API - Mark a street from start to end of a suburb

我不确定这是否属于 StackOverflow,因为它不是技术编码,但我想不出它应该属于哪里。

目前,我们正在开发一个移动应用程序,我们正在考虑使用 Google Maps API 来返回特定郊区街道交叉口的起点和终点。

例如,如果郊区 A 包含街道 B 的一半,它只会突出显示街道 B 的该部分。

在阅读了以下文章(Getting long/lat points of a郊区,getting start/end co-ords of a street)后,他们基本上总结了

I believe that Google does not expose the information about the suburb's boundary. You could store the points in boundary yourself, and display them with a Polygon.

The Google Maps API v3 doesn't do that. You need to find a different data source or manually determine the coordinates.

很明显,这消除了谷歌地图。是否有任何其他地图 API 可以在移动和网络浏览器上使用来显示这些突出显示的街道点?




We used the Australian Bureau of Statistics data, which offers the suburb boundaries as an ESRI shapefile. This data in essence offers the perimeters of every suburb in Australia using GPS coordinates. The ABS offers some its boundary data in more friendly formats, but many are not a€" hence the blog post. The process involved importing the ESRI shapefile into an open-source program called Quantum GIS that allowed an export of the suburb boundaries into a format we could work with (i.e. CSV format).


我确定还有其他解决方案,但我认为直接通过 Google Maps API 是不可能的(如此处所示:Accessing google maps area coordinates (suburb boundary))。