参考站点1 Asciidoctor用户手册#cell似乎有相对详细的描述。
单元格 b>之前指定(从
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | [options="header"] |=== |Date |Duration | Location | Plan .2+^.^|2021.01.04 |08:00 | XXX | game |09:00 | YYY | coding |2021.01.05 |08:00 | XXX | no plan |2021.01.06 3+^| work |=== |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | # Internal: Parse the cell specs for the current cell. # # The cell specs dictate the cell's alignments, styles or filters, # colspan, rowspan and/or repeating content. # # The default spec when pos == :end is {} since we already know we're at a # delimiter. When pos == :start, we *may* be at a delimiter, nil indicates # we're not. # # returns the Hash of attributes that indicate how to layout # and style this cell in the table. def self.parse_cellspec(line, pos = :end, delimiter = nil) # 1 m, rest = nil, '' # 2 # 3 if pos == :start # 4 if line.include? delimiter # 5 spec_part, delimiter, rest = line.partition delimiter # 6 if (m = CellSpecStartRx.match spec_part) # 7 return [{}, rest] if m[0].empty? # 8 else # 9 return [nil, line] # 10 end # 11 else # 12 return [nil, line] # 13 end # 14 else # pos == :end # 15 if (m = CellSpecEndRx.match line) # 16 # NOTE return the line stripped of trailing whitespace if no cellspec is found in this case # 17 return [{}, line.rstrip] if m[0].lstrip.empty? # 18 rest = m.pre_match # 19 else # 20 return [{}, line] # 21 end # 22 end # 23 # 24 spec = {} # 25 if m[1] # 26 colspec, rowspec = m[1].split '.' # 27 colspec = colspec.nil_or_empty? ? 1 : colspec.to_i # 28 rowspec = rowspec.nil_or_empty? ? 1 : rowspec.to_i # 29 if m[2] == '+' # 30 spec['colspan'] = colspec unless colspec == 1 # 31 spec['rowspan'] = rowspec unless rowspec == 1 # 32 elsif m[2] == '*' # 33 spec['repeatcol'] = colspec unless colspec == 1 # 34 end # 35 end # 36 # 37 if m[3] # 38 colspec, rowspec = m[3].split '.' # 39 if !colspec.nil_or_empty? && TableCellHorzAlignments.key?(colspec) # 40 spec['halign'] = TableCellHorzAlignments[colspec] # 41 end # 42 if !rowspec.nil_or_empty? && TableCellVertAlignments.key?(rowspec) # 43 spec['valign'] = TableCellVertAlignments[rowspec] # 44 end # 45 end # 46 # 47 if m[4] && TableCellStyles.key?(m[4]) # 48 spec['style'] = TableCellStyles[m[4]] # 49 end # 50 # 51 [spec, rest] # 52 end # 53 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | # Examples # 2.3+<.>m # m[1] m[2] m[3] m[4] # <---------------------------><----> <-------------------------------------> <-----> CellSpecStartRx = /^[ \t]*(?:(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)([*+]))?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?([a-z])?$/ CellSpecEndRx = /[ \t]+(?:(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|(?:\d*\.)?\d+)([*+]))?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?([a-z])?$/ |
m [1] m [2]:
整数 . 整数 + ???
要连接的列数(水平方向)和要连接的行数(垂直方向)。. 和更高版本可以省略。或者,可以省略. 之前的部分。 -
m [1] m [2]:对于
整数 * ???对于指定的列数,请重复同一单元格(请参阅参考站点1)。 -
m [3]:水平(
< 或^ 或> ). 垂直(< 或^ 或> )???水平对齐(左对齐,居中对齐,右对齐))和垂直(顶部,中心,底部)。. 和更高版本可以省略。或者,可以省略. 之前的部分。 -
m [4]:
文字 ???格式规范