Git issue with Visual Studio 2015
我在使用TortoisGit版本1.8.16.0(Git版本2.6.2.Windows.1)创建的Git存储库中有一个Visual Studio解决方案。
我刚刚将Visual Studio从2015更新到2015更新1,它停止跟踪我的文件的更改。它也不允许我做任何事情。
无法打开"c:/[project path].vc.opendb":进程无法访问该文件,因为另一进程正在使用该文件。
无法打开"c:/[project path].vc.opendb":进程无法访问该文件,因为另一进程正在使用该文件。
(P)I had the exact same issue as you and spent hours trying to get it to work,including re-cloning.(p)(P)I solved it on my end by adding the*.VC.Opendb and*.VC.DB files to the gitinore file of my project.(p)(P)As soon as I returned to visual studio all my pending changes were showing.As far as I can tell it's all working regularly again.(p)
(P)I have same issue with DB.lock file…(p)(P)Solution with images are as follow:(p)(P)字母名称(p)(P)MGXY1音标2(p)(P)MGXY1音标3(p)(P)MGXY1音标4(p)(P)MGXY1音标5(p)(P)Git will ignore these files for next commit.(p)
(P)Simpler solution which worked for me(also for VS 2017):打开Git@config file and change.(p)字母名称(P)To(p)字母名称
- Make a fresh clone of your repo from the command line(EDOCX1)
- Import the solution in visual studio and check if the git repo is detected
- Make a new git repo with visual studio(as in"visual studio code:how to integrate git")
- Check that you can add new files
- 视觉克隆工作室
- Overwrite that new repo by your own(delete and replace the EDOCX1 original 1 by your own,and copy your worktree over the one used by visual studio)
(P)To make vs 2015 not show the unmodified files,you need to set EDOCX1 universal 2 in your git conformation by console.It sames newer versions of git core includes one new line on file with crlf(vs doesn't show the new line).(p)(P)To set it through all your repositories write(p)字母名称(P)这将是死亡。(p)