What are the differences between observables and promises in JavaScript?
- 角度2.0
- Netflix使用的Falcor
What is the difference between observables and promises?
- 承诺:Ajax调用的响应
- 可观察:点击事件
i've read that observables are looking to overtake promises
转换到is often答应好的选择,当你想把单块的数据。我知道当你receive the日期,你做。P></
but some cases的要求是在T总是只做一次。你可以启动一个请求,取消它,并使在不同服务器的request has before theresponded to the first request。P></
在搜索中的for example as the user name组件类型在你进入搜索框,搜索模式,重复灌水使HTTP请求查询。P></
A request-cancel-new-request sequence is difficult to implement with
Promises, but easy with Observables.
可见的承诺(by Jeremy vilken)。P></
在加成到新的句法模式是可见的,newer JavaScript for applications to管理异步活动。他们也在选秀natively to be for a特征要实现在JavaScript语言知道它背后有茶量模式。rxjs is the我们使用图书馆帮助美国实施"订单量在我们的应用程序。P></
承诺是一construct异步协议以帮助呼吁,which are useful制作API for example for requests,。在专业承诺有一个限制,他们的国王useful for only one呼叫循环。for example,如果你想有一个在返回的承诺值类在线安事件,承诺会在用户点击,点击resolve on the first。但你会处理好每一个用户点击行动的兴趣。你normally事件,使用安listener for this和that,to handle events allows你过时间。this is an important event handlers类区分:可见,他们是在连续处理过的数据时间和continuously handle that allow to You)数据流。P></
compared are often to可观测量的承诺。这里是一些关键的差别:P></
可见computation does not start是declarative;直到订阅。execute立即在线创造的承诺。defining useful for this that makes量recipes can be run每当你need the result。P></
提供多量的值。提供的一个承诺。useful for this让要过多量的时间值。P></
differentiate between chaining和订阅量。承诺条款(.then only have)。This makes useful for creating可观测量的复合变换recipes used by other to be part of the system,the work to be executed不常见。P></
订阅(可见的)是负责为处理错误。承诺承诺推错误to the Child)。这让predictable useful for集中可观测量和误差处理。P></
HTTPS:/ / / / angular.io -?比较可观测量指南P></
最好的方式来convoluted is to demystify恩从概念到实施"订单划痕。here is an implementation and an purely功能几乎
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 | /*** Observable type ***/ // type constructor (of a product type) const proType = name => cons => { const f = (k, ...args) => Object.defineProperties({["run" + name]: k}, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: {value: name}, [Symbol("args")]: {value: args} }); return cons(f); }; // value constructor const Observable = proType("Observable") (Observable => k => Observable(k)); /*** Observer factory ***/ const Observer = observer => { let isUnsubscribed = false; return { next: function(x) { if (isUnsubscribed) throw new Error("unsubscribed"); else { try { return observer.next(x); } catch(e) { isUnsubscribed = true; this.cancel(); throw e; } } }, error: function(e) { if (isUnsubscribed) throw new Error("unsubscribed"); else { try { return observer.error(e); } catch(e_) { isUnsubscribed = true; this.cancel(); throw e_; } } }, complete: function() { if (isUnsubscribed) throw new Error("unsubscribed"); else { try { const r = observer.complete(); this.cancel(); return r; } catch(e) { isUnsubscribed = true; cancel(); throw e; } } } }; }; /*** combinators + auxiliary functions ***/ const subscribe = observable => handlers => { const observer = Observer(handlers), cancel = observable.runObservable(observer); observer.cancel = cancel; return cancel; }; const obsMap = f => observable => Observable(observer => { const mapObserver = { next: x => observer.next(f(x)), error: e => observer.error(e), complete: () => observer.complete() }; return observable.runObservable(mapObserver); }); /*** main ***/ // create an Observable instance const numStream = Observable(observer => { let i = 0; const timer = setInterval(() => { observer.next(i++); }, 1000); return () => clearTimeout(timer); }); // map a function over it const squaredNumStream = obsMap(x => x * x) (numStream); // run the observable const cancel = subscribe(squaredNumStream) ({ next: x => console.log(x), error: e => console.error(e), complete: () => console.log("finished") }); // cancel it setTimeout(cancel, 11000); |
在the above the example of theoretically
我有subscribed to another without easily两个干扰情况下