Which part of throwing an Exception is expensive?
在Java中,当不存在错误时,使用抛出/ catch作为逻辑的一部分通常是一个坏主意(部分),因为抛出和捕获异常是昂贵的,并且在一个循环中进行多次操作通常要比不涉及抛出异常的其他控制结构慢得多。
我可以通过适当的基准来确认上述声明,但幸运的是,我不需要这样做,因为Hotspot的绩效工程师Alexey Shipilev:LIL’Exception的出色表现已经完全涵盖了所有方面。
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | |Depth| WriteStack(ms)| !WriteStack(ms)| Diff(%)| | 16| 1428| 243| 588 (%)| | 15| 1763| 393| 449 (%)| | 14| 1746| 390| 448 (%)| | 13| 1703| 384| 443 (%)| | 12| 1697| 391| 434 (%)| | 11| 1707| 410| 416 (%)| | 10| 1226| 197| 622 (%)| | 9| 1242| 206| 603 (%)| | 8| 1251| 207| 604 (%)| | 7| 1213| 208| 583 (%)| | 6| 1164| 206| 565 (%)| | 5| 1134| 205| 553 (%)| | 4| 1106| 203| 545 (%)| | 3| 1043| 192| 543 (%)| |
当我们关闭堆栈跟踪对象创建帐户时分数IE 20%和堆栈展开现在占80%的时间。
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start = System.nanoTime(); JavaException jex2 = new JavaException("testing", 1); stop = System.nanoTime(); create_time_without += stop - start; start = System.nanoTime(); String str = new String("testing"); stop = System.nanoTime(); create_string += stop - start; } double interval_with = ((double)create_time_with)/1000000; double interval_without = ((double)create_time_without)/1000000; double interval_string = ((double)create_string)/1000000; System.out.printf("Time to create %d String objects: %.2f (ms) ", iterations, interval_string); System.out.printf("Time to create %d JavaException objects with stack: %.2f (ms) ", iterations, interval_with); System.out.printf("Time to create %d JavaException objects without stack: %.2f (ms) ", iterations, interval_without); JavaException jex = new JavaException("testing"); int depth = 14; int i = depth; double[] with_stack = new double[20]; double[] without_stack = new double[20]; for(; i > 0 ; --i) { without_stack[i] = jex.timerLoop(i, iterations, 0)/1000000; with_stack[i] = jex.timerLoop(i, iterations, 1)/1000000; } i = depth; System.out.printf("|Depth| WriteStack(ms)| !WriteStack(ms)| Diff(%%)| "); for(; i > 0 ; --i) { double ratio = (with_stack[i] / (double) without_stack[i]) * 100; System.out.printf("|%5d| %14.0f| %15.0f| %2.0f (%%)| ", i + 2, with_stack[i] , without_stack[i], ratio); //System.out.printf("%d\t%.2f (ms) ", i, ratio); } } private int thrower(int i, int mode) throws JavaException { ExArg.time_start[i] = System.nanoTime(); if(mode == 0) { throw new JavaException("without stack", 1); } throw new JavaException("with stack"); } private int catcher1(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ return this.stack_of_calls(i, mode); } private long timerLoop(int depth, int iterations, int mode) { for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { try { this.catcher1(depth, mode); } catch (JavaException e) { ExArg.time_accum[depth] += (System.nanoTime() - ExArg.time_start[depth]); } } //long stop = System.nanoTime(); return ExArg.time_accum[depth]; } private int bad_method14(int i, int mode) throws JavaException { if(i > 0) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return i; } private int bad_method13(int i, int mode) throws JavaException { if(i == 13) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method14(i,mode); } private int bad_method12(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 12) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method13(i,mode); } private int bad_method11(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 11) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method12(i,mode); } private int bad_method10(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 10) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method11(i,mode); } private int bad_method9(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 9) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method10(i,mode); } private int bad_method8(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 8) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method9(i,mode); } private int bad_method7(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 7) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method8(i,mode); } private int bad_method6(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 6) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method7(i,mode); } private int bad_method5(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 5) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method6(i,mode); } private int bad_method4(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 4) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method5(i,mode); } protected int bad_method3(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 3) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method4(i,mode); } private int bad_method2(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 2) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method3(i,mode); } private int bad_method1(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 1) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method2(i,mode); } private int stack_of_calls(int i, int mode) throws JavaException{ if(i == 0) { this.thrower(i, mode); } return bad_method1(i,mode); } } class ExArg { public static long[] time_start; public static long[] time_accum; static { time_start = new long[20]; time_accum = new long[20]; }; } |
1 | javap -c -v -constants JavaException.class |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | protected int bad_method3(int, int) throws JavaException; flags: ACC_PROTECTED Code: stack=3, locals=3, args_size=3 0: iload_1 1: iconst_3 2: if_icmpne 12 5: aload_0 6: iload_1 7: iload_2 8: invokespecial #6 // Method thrower:(II)I 11: pop 12: aload_0 13: iload_1 14: iload_2 15: invokespecial #17 // Method bad_method4:(II)I 18: ireturn LineNumberTable: line 63: 0 line 64: 12 StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 1 frame_type = 12 /* same */ Exceptions: throws JavaException |
1 2 3 4 5 | class NoStackException extends Exception{ public NoStackException() { super("",null,false,false); } } |
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1 2 3 4 | throwCatchTime = 19 newExceptionTime = 77 newObjectTime = 3 noStackExceptionTime = 15 |
Another way of asking this is, if I made one instance of Exception and
threw and caught it over and over, would that be significantly faster
than creating a new Exception every time I throw?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | |Depth| WriteStack(ms)| !WriteStack(ms)| Diff(%)| | 16| 193| 251| 77 (%)| | 15| 390| 406| 96 (%)| | 14| 394| 401| 98 (%)| | 13| 381| 385| 99 (%)| | 12| 387| 370| 105 (%)| | 11| 368| 376| 98 (%)| | 10| 188| 192| 98 (%)| | 9| 193| 195| 99 (%)| | 8| 200| 188| 106 (%)| | 7| 187| 184| 102 (%)| | 6| 196| 200| 98 (%)| | 5| 197| 193| 102 (%)| | 4| 198| 190| 104 (%)| | 3| 193| 183| 105 (%)| |
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 | public class ExceptionPerformanceTest { private static final int NUM_TRIES = 1000000; public static void main(String[] args) { double numIterations = 10; long exceptionPlusCatchTime = 0, excepTime = 0, strTime = 0, throwTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { exceptionPlusCatchTime += exceptionPlusCatchBlock(); excepTime += createException(); throwTime += catchBlock(); strTime += createString(); } System.out.println("new Exception + throw/catch =" + exceptionPlusCatchTime / numIterations); System.out.println("new Exception only =" + excepTime / numIterations); System.out.println("throw/catch only =" + throwTime / numIterations); System.out.println("new String (benchmark) =" + strTime / numIterations); } private static long exceptionPlusCatchBlock() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) { try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); return stop - start; } private static long createException() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) { Exception e = new Exception(); } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); return stop - start; } private static long createString() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) { Object o = new String("" + i); } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); return stop - start; } private static long catchBlock() { Exception ex = new Exception(); //Instantiated here long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TRIES; i++) { try { throw ex; //repeatedly thrown } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } } long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); return stop - start; } } |