关于C#:嵌入式内容包含带有Xcode 8 Beta的Swift代码

Embedded Content Contains Swift Code with Xcode 8 Beta



我试过"ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES",我相信这是xcode 8的新标志。它也不起作用:(

是否有人试图用xcode 8测试版编译和执行命令行应用程序,也就是说;-使用Objective-C开发-具有第三方Swift库依赖项


最后,我把"/applications/xcode beta.app/contents/developer/toolchains/xcodedefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/macosx"下的所有内容复制到可执行文件所在的文件夹中。不是一个完美的解决方案,但它是有效的。

检查xcode 8 beta 2发行说明中提到的内容:

The new build setting ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES replaces the use of EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT. This setting indicates that Xcode should always embed Swift standard libraries in a target for which it has been set, whether or not the target contains Swift code. A typical scenario for using this setting is when a target directly uses or embeds another product which contains Swift code.
