Program shuts down when array is full, Need a search and sort too
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H?ller reda p? antal flaskor public int crateValue = 0; //Sammanlagda v?rdet p? alla flaskor som finns i backen public void Run() { int temp = 0; do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("*********************************************"); Console.WriteLine("** Welcome to your Sodacrate! **"); Console.WriteLine("*********************************************"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* These are your options: *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* 1. Add soda to your crate *"); Console.WriteLine("* 2. Print the content *"); Console.WriteLine("* 3. Calculate the content *"); Console.WriteLine("* 4. Sort sodas *"); Console.WriteLine("* 5. Find sodas *"); Console.WriteLine("* 6. Remove bottles *"); Console.WriteLine("* 0. Quit *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("*********************************************"); Console.WriteLine(" "); temp = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (temp) { case 1: add_soda(); break; case 2: print_crate(); break; case 3: calc_total(); break; case 4: sort_sodas(); break; case 5: find_soda(); break; case 6: remove_soda(); break; case 0: Console.WriteLine("Shutting down program"); //avsluta programmet. break; default: Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Input"); //skrivs ut om annat ?n en siffra mellan 0-6 anges. break; } } while (temp != 0); } public void add_soda() { int adding = 0; do { //Console.Clear(); //tar bort all f?reg?ende text i konsolf?nstret //menyn f?r att v?lja smak Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("*****************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("** Which flavor do you like? **"); Console.WriteLine("*****************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* Choose by selecting 1-5 and ENTER or 0 to go back *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("* 1. COLA. Costs 4 G *"); Console.WriteLine("* 2. WATER. Costs 5 G *"); Console.WriteLine("* 3. ORANGE. Costs 6 G *"); Console.WriteLine("* 4. RASPBERRY Costs 7 G *"); Console.WriteLine("* 5. GRAPE TONIC Costs 8 G *"); Console.WriteLine("* 0. Return to Main Menu *"); Console.WriteLine("* *"); Console.WriteLine("*****************************************************"); Console.WriteLine(" "); adding = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //sj?lva valen, input 0-5 och sen ENTER f?r att verkst?lla if (amountBottles >= 25) { Console.WriteLine(" - Your crate is full!"); Console.WriteLine(amountBottles); } else { switch (adding) { case 1: Bottles Cola = new Bottles("Cola", 4); myCrate[amountBottles] = Cola; Console.WriteLine("Cola"); break; case 2: Bottles Water = new Bottles("Water", 5); myCrate[amountBottles] = Water; Console.WriteLine("Water"); break; case 3: Bottles Orange = new Bottles("Orange", 6); myCrate[amountBottles] = Orange; Console.WriteLine("Orange"); break; case 4: Bottles Raspberry = new Bottles("Raspberry", 7); myCrate[amountBottles] = Raspberry; Console.WriteLine("Raspberry"); break; case 5: Bottles GrapeTonic = new Bottles("GrapeTonic", 8); myCrate[amountBottles] = GrapeTonic; Console.WriteLine("Grape Tonic"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Input"); break; } amountBottles++; } }while (adding != 0); } public void print_crate() { int keepshopping1 = 0; do { amountBottles--; //removes the extra unidentified bottle that always ends up in the crate when calling upon add_soda Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("*******************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("** Contents of your Soda Crate **"); Console.WriteLine("*******************************************************"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Purchase more bottles? " +"[1] to Purchase, [2] to Remove bottles or [0] to go back to Main Menu."); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Amount of bottles in your crate:" + amountBottles ); int i = 0; //counting variable while (myCrate[i] != null) //counts while no element in myCrate is null { string temp = myCrate[i].Flavor; // gets the"name" property of the object flavors[i] = temp; //flavors.Add(temp); //adds the name property to the list"flavors" -LIST-funktionen i++; } var a = from x in flavors //orders and counts duplicates in list group x by x into g let count = g.Count() orderby count descending select new { Value = g.Key, Count = count }; foreach (var x in a) Console.WriteLine(x.Value +"" + x.Count +" bottles"); //prints sorted, grouped list keepshopping1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (keepshopping1) { case 1: add_soda(); break; case 2: remove_soda(); break; case 0: //tillbaka till huvudmenyn break; default: Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Input"); //skrivs ut om annat ?n en siffra 1,2 eller 0 anges. break; } } while (keepshopping1 != 0); } public void calc_total() { int sum = 0; int keepshopping2 = 0; do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("*******************************************************"); Console.WriteLine("** Cost of your Soda Crate **"); Console.WriteLine("*******************************************************"); Console.WriteLine(); int i = 0; //counting variable crateValue = sum; while (myCrate[i] != null) //counts while no element in myCrate is null { sum = sum + myCrate[i].Price; i++; } Console.WriteLine("This will be" + sum +" G's, sir."); Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.WriteLine("Continue shopping? " +"[1] to Continue, [2] to Remove soda or [0] to go back to Main Menu."); Console.WriteLine(" "); keepshopping2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (keepshopping2) { case 1: add_soda(); break; case 2: remove_soda(); break; case 0: //tillbaka till huvudmenyn break; default: Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Input"); //skrivs ut om annat ?n siffra 1,2 eller 0 anges. break; } } while (keepshopping2 != 0); //T?nk p? att inte r?kna med tomma positioner i vektorn } public void find_soda() { } public void sort_sodas() { int max = myCrate.Length - 1; //outer loop: Goes through the entire list until everything's sorted for (int m = 0; m < max; m++) { //inner loop: Goes through every element and comparing them to eachother. Doesn't go through what's already sorted. int sorted = max - m; //to see how many has been gone through for (int n = 0; n < sorted; n++) { if (myCrate[n] > myCrate[n+1]) //comparing elements ERROR cs0019 { //switch place int temp3 = myCrate[n]; myCrate[n] = myCrate[n+1]; myCrate[n+1] = temp3; } } } //write the list for (int m = 0; m < myCrate.Length; m++) Console.WriteLine(myCrate[m]); } public void remove_soda() { if (myCrate == null) { Console.WriteLine("Your crate is empty."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Name on the bottle:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (myCrate.Select(x => x.Flavor).Contains(flavors)) //errorcs1929 { var itemToRemove = myCrate.Where(x => x.Flavor.Equals(flavors)).First(); if (itemToRemove != null) myCrate.Remove(itemToRemove); //error 1061 - 'Bottles[]' cannot contain a definition for 'Remove' } else { Console.WriteLine("Name not found."); Console.ReadKey(); } } } class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) { //Skapar ett objekt av klassen Sodacrate som heter Sodacrate var Sodacrate = new Sodacrate(); Sodacrate.Run(); Console.Write("Press any key to continue . . ."); Console.ReadKey(true); } } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | if (myCrate == null) { Console.WriteLine("Your crate is empty."); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Name on the bottle:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (myCrate.Select(x => x.Flavor).Contains(flavors)) { var itemToRemove = myCrate.Where(x => x.Flavor.Equals(flavors)).First(); if (itemToRemove != null) myCrate.Remove(itemToRemove); } else { Console.WriteLine("Name not found."); Console.ReadKey(); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | public void sort_sodas() { int max = myCrate.Length - 1; //outer loop: Goes through the entire list until everything's sorted for (int m = 0; m < max; m++) { //inner loop: Goes through every element and comparing them to eachother. Doesn't go through what's already sorted. int sorted = max - m; //to see how many has been gone through for (int n = 0; n < sorted; n++) { if (myCrate[n] > myCrate[n+1]) //comparing elements { //switch place int temp3 = myCrate[n]; myCrate[n] = myCrate[n+1]; myCrate[n+1] = temp3; } } } //write the list for (int m = 0; m < myCrate.Length; m++) Console.WriteLine(myCrate[m]); } |
1 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | if (Crate.Count >= 25) { Console.WriteLine(" - Your crate is full!"); } else { Crate.Add(bottle); } |
1 | crate.Groupby(b=>b.Flavor).Select(g=>g.Count() +"" + g.Key); |
1 | crate.Orderby(b=>b.Price) |
1 | crate.Where(b=>b.Flavour == SearchField) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | adding = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (amountBottles >= 25) { Console.WriteLine(" - Your crate is full!"); } else { //Your Switch statement here amountBottles++; } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | for (int i = 0; i < myCrate.Length; i++) { if (myCrate[i] != null) { Console.WriteLine( myCrate[i].Flavor ); } else { Console.WriteLine("Empty Space"); } } |