关于JavaScript的:toLocale 用法

when to, or to not, use toLocale methods?



据我所知,从我的调查来看,这些都是在2011年前后的ES 5.1中实现的。事实上,在下面引用中的一个so链接中,它积极地指出Angular 1.x之所以使用ToString而不是ToLocalString,是因为它与还没有完全采用ES5.1的浏览器向后兼容——简单地说一句:我不知道这是否是事实,但它似乎是合理的。


关于对象: Object.prototype.toLocaleString ( ) This function returns the result of calling toString(). NOTE This function is provided to
give all Objects a generic toLocaleString interface, even though not
all may use it. Currently, Array, Number, and Date provide their own
locale-sensitive toLocaleString methods. NOTE The first parameter to
this function is likely to be used in a future version of this
standard; it is recommended that implementations do not use this
parameter position for anything else.

数组: Array.prototype.toLocaleString ( )
The elements of the array are converted to strings using their toLocaleString methods, and these strings are
then concatenated, separated by occurrences of a separator string that has been derived in an implementationdefined
locale-specific way. The result of calling this function is intended to be analogous to the result of
toString, except that the result of this function is intended to be locale-specific.

弦上: String.prototype.toLocaleLowerCase ( )
This function works exactly the same as toLowerCase except that its result is intended to yield the correct result
for the host environment’s current locale, rather than a locale-independent result. There will only be a difference in
the few cases (such as Turkish) where the rules for that language conflict with the regular Unicode case mappings.
NOTE The toLocaleLowerCase function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its this value be a String object.
Therefore, it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method.
NOTE The first parameter to this function is likely to be used in a future version of this standard; it is recommended that
implementations do not use this parameter position for anything else.

为了清晰起见,原版Tolowercase: String.prototype.toLowerCase ( )
If this object is not already a string, it is converted to a string. The characters in that string are converted one by one
to lower case. The result is a string value, not a String object.
The characters are converted one by one. The result of each conversion is the original character, unless that
character has a Unicode lowercase equivalent, in which case the lowercase equivalent is used instead.
NOTE The result should be derived according to the case mappings in the Unicode character database (this explicitly includes
not only the UnicodeData.txt file, but also the SpecialCasings.txt file that accompanies it in Unicode 2.1.8 and later).
NOTE The toLowerCase function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its this value be a String object. Therefore, it
can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method










It seems plausible, but again, you're dealing with unknowns.


It will leave it out of your hands and you may never even know that it's not displaying as you wanted it to.


Is there a practical use case for methods like toLocaleString etc.?



"EcmaScript 2016国际化API规范提供了大多数应用程序所需的几种关键的语言敏感功能:字符串比较(排序)、数字格式、日期和时间格式以及大小写转换。ECMAScript 2016语言规范为这一基本功能提供了功能(在Array.prototype上:toLocaleString;在String.prototype上:localeComparetoLocaleLowerCasetoLocaleUpperCase;在Number.prototype上:EDOCX1 1〔1〕;在Date.prototype上:EDOCX1 1〔1〕1、EDOCX1 1〔10〕和EDOCX1 1〔11〕提供了这些基本功能的功能功能功能,但它将这些功能的实际行为留给了这些功能的实际行为la la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-1〔1〔3〕和EDOCX1 1〔4〕和EDOCX1 1〔5〕;在EDOCX1 1〔6〕上:EDOCX1 1〔一个最多可定义个实现。ECMAScript 2016国际化API规范提供了额外的功能、对语言的控制、对要使用的行为的详细信息,以及对所需功能的更完整规范。"

Should they be largely ignored?
