Using Lists Instead of Decorator Pattern?
It's a coffee shop system with some coffees and a lot of condiments
you can put in them (for an extra cost), you need to be able to order
and charge for a coffee with any condiments the costumer desires, and
to avoid having total mayhem (e.g. booleans to keep track of the
condiments) Decorator Pattern is used. We have an abstract Beverage
class, each type of coffee as concrete components and each condiment
as concrete decorators wrapping up a Beverage, like this:
And so we have the following process returning a coffee cost:
1 2 3 4 | // Using second image example Beverage beverage = new DarkRoast(beverage); beverage = new Mocha(beverage); beverage = new Whip(beverage); |
already have a class你想让它
* is not the继承链太长,你可以添加额外的功能和在运行时easily。P></
现在问题来了:你是在the example你把你的问题,但我觉得更好的FITS list,its the author of the使用意向的解释模式decorator with example of an easy。认为咖啡是自制咖啡和牛奶混合后),糖。自制咖啡混合是继续追踪of小零件。解决方案emerges similar to the在这里组合模式。P></
decorator模式设计模式是基于增强的行为。我在Java streams行为(uses this method is by the implementation)增强(一级decorating is to another骨膜流与提高原有核酮)P></
垂直装饰1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | Numbers numbers = new Sorted( new Unique( new Odds( new Positive( new ArrayNumbers( new Integer[] { -1, 78, 4, -34, 98, 4, } ) ) ) ) ); |
水平装饰器1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | Numbers numbers = new Modified( new ArrayNumbers( new Integer[] { -1, 78, 4, -34, 98, 4, } ), new Diff[] { new Positive(), new Odds(), new Unique(), new Sorted(), } ); |
你是什么方式告诉is to calculate the of the饮料的总成本。在更多的通用条款,你选择proposing安路to execute MERGE &;the main of each of the源性行为目标模式模式模式decorator做茶,增上他们进入名单。与EN is not an那么点太多。P></
但原始的模式去decorator Intent to of that other比多角度广泛。functionalities is to an en增dynamically扩展对象。which means have some对象
我知道is about how we can /对象管理对象lifecycle演化对茶茶。?我希望你的想法。):)P></
You should distinguish从行为数据。P></
在decorator is of indirection层处理与特异性问题为甚。日期(在types of the条款,合同等,protocols)stays the same,but You get the implementation以更多的灵活性。你可以用decorator重用现有的功能性,在启动和增安conjunction changes with ADAPTER的地方,你可以慢慢开始从基本migrating API to a different酮产生和保持兼容。P></
我只负责for lists should to the包含日期提供接入在特异性的方式。表演的任务处理日期/日期on the the by the lists should be done包含函数/对象/类的模式有不同的责任。P></