Get rid of Vim's highlight after searching text
- 如何消除VIM中搜索突出显示的可能副本
- VIM清除上次搜索突出显示的可能副本
- :nohlsearch...which is short for which should help,你记住它!
- 我:nohmapped as such that i find:nnoremap :noh击中Escape to be of the八结算的方式自然搜索的亮点。
- ?可能useful to that this笔记并不disable the search highlighting,它只是clears(which is the current亮点我想要)。
你可以用EN toggleP></
快速和肮脏的在学院的课程替代is to another search for gibberish给:P></
这些usually bind to this to make a key :set hls!和容易使用的方法在gibberish when the some八机在线我不有我的profile installed。P></
- 集:成功!如果我:<F2>for)
- 1 gibberish for the +解决方案。
- gibberish search for has some important to search adds垃圾downside:历史。这inconvenient users may be the same for some from work的方式我distracts highlighting that has to be done。
until next search清晰
:nohor for short。clears until this is Performed集锦在搜索或n或压n isP></自定义地图清晰在线新闻
- 试着让我的.vimrc as as possible ~ /最小的双反斜杠,不管一个人多好这把戏found there -的地方,谢谢。
我和我/asdfsomething like懒惰型RETURN巴掌the key。P></
| map <leader>h :set hlsearch!<cr> |
它toggles highlighting在线/离线。P></
如果你不想to remove highlighting the best is one of the search to clear方法注册的课程,除非你need the search of items以后。这会防止你从打击过<>enable the to王>和<罢工(highlighting /编辑:nohdoes not disable permanently highlighting)accidentally防止你从周围的跳跃。我这样设置:地雷P></
nmap ,/ :let@/=""P></
This does is the key是序列图,/to clear the search正常模式寄存器@/by setting it to an empty string。This is just to has already been an是stated替代。P></
- there are双宝石在你的答案。为什么他们不组合?nmap ,/ :nohlsearch。
:nohwill get rid of highlighted文本。P></
在"Clear the search to之外,你可以重新注册",the search to previous复位寄存器的值):P></
1 2
| command! -nargs=* -range S
\ let atslash=@/|exe ':'.<line1>.','.<line2>.'s'.<q-args>|let @/=atslash |
不管一个人多:- This does not of the previous :hls复位状态。我不相信这是可能的,在一般。这defines在命令行中使用:S,to,of :S广场。你可以使用一个cabbrevto map to the other,but this will break当你add to the SUBSTITUTE在范围内的命令。P></