Mathematically producing sphere-shaped hexagonal grid
我什至不知道该如何存储网格位置。 3个五边形之间的每个"三角形部分"是否都有自己的2D坐标集?
您拥有的形状是所谓的" Goldberg多面体"之一,也是测地线多面体。
创建六边形网格的三角形切口:固定三角形(我选择了(-0.5,0),(0.5,0),(0,sqrt(3)/ 2))叠加在具有所需分辨率
计算二十面体的角并定义其二十个三角形面(请参见下面的代码)。二十面体的角定义五边形的中心,二十面体的面定义映射的六边形网格的面片。 (二十面体将球体表面最好的规则划分为三角形,即划分为等边的等边三角形。其他这样的划分可以从四面体或八面体得出;然后在三角形的角处将有三角形或正方形,此外,三角形的越来越小将使在平面网格到曲面上的任何映射中不可避免的变形更加明显。因此,选择二十面体作为三角形斑块的基础有助于最大程度地减少六边形的变形。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | from math import sin,cos,acos,sqrt,pi s,c = 2/sqrt(5),1/sqrt(5) topPoints = [(0,0,1)] + [(s*cos(i*2*pi/5.), s*sin(i*2*pi/5.), c) for i in range(5)] bottomPoints = [(-x,y,-z) for (x,y,z) in topPoints] icoPoints = topPoints + bottomPoints icoTriangs = [(0,i+1,(i+1)%5+1) for i in range(5)] +\\ [(6,i+7,(i+1)%5+7) for i in range(5)] +\\ [(i+1,(i+1)%5+1,(7-i)%5+7) for i in range(5)] +\\ [(i+1,(7-i)%5+7,(8-i)%5+7) for i in range(5)] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | # barycentric coords for triangle (-0.5,0),(0.5,0),(0,sqrt(3)/2) def barycentricCoords(p): x,y = p # l3*sqrt(3)/2 = y l3 = y*2./sqrt(3.) # l1 + l2 + l3 = 1 # 0.5*(l2 - l1) = x l2 = x + 0.5*(1 - l3) l1 = 1 - l2 - l3 return l1,l2,l3 from math import atan2 def scalProd(p1,p2): return sum([p1[i]*p2[i] for i in range(len(p1))]) # uniform interpolation of arc defined by p0, p1 (around origin) # t=0 -> p0, t=1 -> p1 def slerp(p0,p1,t): assert abs(scalProd(p0,p0) - scalProd(p1,p1)) < 1e-7 ang0Cos = scalProd(p0,p1)/scalProd(p0,p0) ang0Sin = sqrt(1 - ang0Cos*ang0Cos) ang0 = atan2(ang0Sin,ang0Cos) l0 = sin((1-t)*ang0) l1 = sin(t *ang0) return tuple([(l0*p0[i] + l1*p1[i])/ang0Sin for i in range(len(p0))]) # map 2D point p to spherical triangle s1,s2,s3 (3D vectors of equal length) def mapGridpoint2Sphere(p,s1,s2,s3): l1,l2,l3 = barycentricCoords(p) if abs(l3-1) < 1e-10: return s3 l2s = l2/(l1+l2) p12 = slerp(s1,s2,l2s) return slerp(p12,s3,l3) |
这里是简单的C ++ OpenGL示例(由#4中的链接答案制成):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 | //$$---- Form CPP ---- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <vcl.h> #include <math.h> #pragma hdrstop #include"win_main.h" #include"gl/OpenGL3D_double.cpp" #include"PolyLine.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #pragma resource"*.dfm" TMain *Main; OpenGLscreen scr; bool _redraw=true; double animx= 0.0,danimx=0.0; double animy= 0.0,danimy=0.0; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PointTab pnt; // (x,y,z) struct _hexagon { int ix[6]; // index of 6 points, last point duplicate for pentagon int a,b; // spherical coordinate DWORD col; // color // inline _hexagon() {} _hexagon(_hexagon& a) { *this=a; } ~_hexagon() {} _hexagon* operator = (const _hexagon *a) { *this=*a; return this; } //_hexagon* operator = (const _hexagon &a) { ...copy... return this; } }; List<_hexagon> hex; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hex_sphere(int N,double R) { const double c=cos(60.0*deg); const double s=sin(60.0*deg); const double sy= R/(N+N-2); const double sz=sy/s; const double sx=sz*c; const double sz2=0.5*sz; const int na=5*(N-2); const int nb= N; const int b0= N; double *q,p[3],ang,len,l,l0,ll; int i,j,n,a,b,ix; _hexagon h,*ph; hex.allocate(na*nb); hex.num=0; pnt.reset3D(N*N); b=0; a=0; ix=0; // generate triangle hex grid h.col=0x00804000; for (b=1;b<N-1;b++) // skip first line b=0 for (a=1;a<b;a++) // skip first and last line { p[0]=double(a )*(sx+sz); p[1]=double(b-(a>>1))*(sy*2.0); p[2]=0.0; if (int(a&1)!=0) p[1]-=sy; ix=pnt.add(p[0]+sz2+sx,p[1] ,p[2]); h.ix[0]=ix; // 2 1 ix=pnt.add(p[0]+sz2 ,p[1]+sy,p[2]); h.ix[1]=ix; // 3 0 ix=pnt.add(p[0]-sz2 ,p[1]+sy,p[2]); h.ix[2]=ix; // 4 5 ix=pnt.add(p[0]-sz2-sx,p[1] ,p[2]); h.ix[3]=ix; ix=pnt.add(p[0]-sz2 ,p[1]-sy,p[2]); h.ix[4]=ix; ix=pnt.add(p[0]+sz2 ,p[1]-sy,p[2]); h.ix[5]=ix; h.a=a; h.b=N-1-b; hex.add(h); } n=hex.num; // remember number of hexs for the first triangle // distort points to match area for (ix=0;ix<pnt.nn;ix+=3) { // point pointer q=pnt.pnt.dat+ix; // convert to polar coordinates ang=atan2(q[1],q[0]); len=vector_len(q); // match area of pentagon (72deg) triangle as we got hexagon (60deg) triangle ang-=60.0*deg; // rotate so center of generated triangle is angle 0deg while (ang>+60.0*deg) ang-=pi2; while (ang<-60.0*deg) ang+=pi2; len*=cos(ang)/cos(30.0*deg); // scale radius so triangle converts to pie ang*=72.0/60.0; // scale up angle so rotated triangles merge // convert back to cartesian q[0]=len*cos(ang); q[1]=len*sin(ang); } // copy and rotate the triangle to cover pentagon h.col=0x00404000; for (ang=72.0*deg,a=1;a<5;a++,ang+=72.0*deg) for (ph=hex.dat,i=0;i<n;i++,ph++) { for (j=0;j<6;j++) { vector_copy(p,pnt.pnt.dat+ph->ix[j]); rotate2d(-ang,p[0],p[1]); h.ix[j]=pnt.add(p[0],p[1],p[2]); } h.a=ph->a+(a*(N-2)); h.b=ph->b; hex.add(h); } // compute z for (q=pnt.pnt.dat,ix=0;ix<pnt.nn;ix+=pnt.dn,q+=pnt.dn) { q[2]=0.0; ang=vector_len(q)*0.5*pi/R; q[2]=R*cos(ang); ll=fabs(R*sin(ang)/sqrt((q[0]*q[0])+(q[1]*q[1]))); q[0]*=ll; q[1]*=ll; } // copy and mirror the other half-sphere n=hex.num; for (ph=hex.dat,i=0;i<n;i++,ph++) { for (j=0;j<6;j++) { vector_copy(p,pnt.pnt.dat+ph->ix[j]); p[2]=-p[2]; h.ix[j]=pnt.add(p[0],p[1],p[2]); } h.a= ph->a; h.b=-ph->b; hex.add(h); } // create index search table int i0,i1,j0,j1,a0,a1,ii[5]; int **ab=new int*[na]; for (a=0;a<na;a++) { ab[a]=new int[nb+nb+1]; for (b=-nb;b<=nb;b++) ab[a][b0+b]=-1; } n=hex.num; for (ph=hex.dat,i=0;i<n;i++,ph++) ab[ph->a][b0+ph->b]=i; // add join ring h.col=0x00408000; for (a=0;a<na;a++) { h.a=a; h.b=0; a0=a; a1=a+1; if (a1>=na) a1-=na; i0=ab[a0][b0+1]; i1=ab[a1][b0+1]; j0=ab[a0][b0-1]; j1=ab[a1][b0-1]; if ((i0>=0)&&(i1>=0)) if ((j0>=0)&&(j1>=0)) { h.ix[0]=hex[i1].ix[1]; h.ix[1]=hex[i0].ix[0]; h.ix[2]=hex[i0].ix[1]; h.ix[3]=hex[j0].ix[1]; h.ix[4]=hex[j0].ix[0]; h.ix[5]=hex[j1].ix[1]; hex.add(h); ab[h.a][b0+h.b]=hex.num-1; } } // add 2x5 join lines h.col=0x00008040; for (a=0;a<na;a+=N-2) for (b=1;b<N-3;b++) { // +b hemisphere h.a= a; h.b=+b; a0=a-b; if (a0< 0) a0+=na; i0=ab[a0][b0+b+0]; a0--; if (a0< 0) a0+=na; i1=ab[a0][b0+b+1]; a1=a+1; if (a1>=na) a1-=na; j0=ab[a1][b0+b+0]; j1=ab[a1][b0+b+1]; if ((i0>=0)&&(i1>=0)) if ((j0>=0)&&(j1>=0)) { h.ix[0]=hex[i0].ix[5]; h.ix[1]=hex[i0].ix[4]; h.ix[2]=hex[i1].ix[5]; h.ix[3]=hex[j1].ix[3]; h.ix[4]=hex[j0].ix[4]; h.ix[5]=hex[j0].ix[3]; hex.add(h); } // -b hemisphere h.a= a; h.b=-b; a0=a-b; if (a0< 0) a0+=na; i0=ab[a0][b0-b+0]; a0--; if (a0< 0) a0+=na; i1=ab[a0][b0-b-1]; a1=a+1; if (a1>=na) a1-=na; j0=ab[a1][b0-b+0]; j1=ab[a1][b0-b-1]; if ((i0>=0)&&(i1>=0)) if ((j0>=0)&&(j1>=0)) { h.ix[0]=hex[i0].ix[5]; h.ix[1]=hex[i0].ix[4]; h.ix[2]=hex[i1].ix[5]; h.ix[3]=hex[j1].ix[3]; h.ix[4]=hex[j0].ix[4]; h.ix[5]=hex[j0].ix[3]; hex.add(h); } } // add pentagons at poles _hexagon h0,h1; h0.col=0x00000080; h0.a=0; h0.b=N-1; h1=h0; h1.b=-h1.b; p[2]=sqrt((R*R)-(sz*sz)); for (ang=0.0,a=0;a<5;a++,ang+=72.0*deg) { p[0]=2.0*sz*cos(ang); p[1]=2.0*sz*sin(ang); h0.ix[a]=pnt.add(p[0],p[1],+p[2]); h1.ix[a]=pnt.add(p[0],p[1],-p[2]); } h0.ix[5]=h0.ix[4]; hex.add(h0); h1.ix[5]=h1.ix[4]; hex.add(h1); // add 5 missing hexagons at poles h.col=0x00600060; for (ph=&h0,b=N-3,h.b=N-2,i=0;i<2;i++,b=-b,ph=&h1,h.b=-h.b) { a = 1; if (a>=na) a-=na; ii[0]=ab[a][b0+b]; a+=N-2; if (a>=na) a-=na; ii[1]=ab[a][b0+b]; a+=N-2; if (a>=na) a-=na; ii[2]=ab[a][b0+b]; a+=N-2; if (a>=na) a-=na; ii[3]=ab[a][b0+b]; a+=N-2; if (a>=na) a-=na; ii[4]=ab[a][b0+b]; for (j=0;j<5;j++) { h.a=((4+j)%5)*(N-2)+1; h.ix[0]=ph->ix[ (5-j)%5 ]; h.ix[1]=ph->ix[ (6-j)%5 ]; h.ix[2]=hex[ii[(j+4)%5]].ix[4]; h.ix[3]=hex[ii[(j+4)%5]].ix[5]; h.ix[4]=hex[ii[ j ]].ix[3]; h.ix[5]=hex[ii[ j ]].ix[4]; hex.add(h); } } // add 2*5 pentagons and 2*5 missing hexagons at equator h0.a=0; h0.b=N-1; h1=h0; h1.b=-h1.b; for (ang=36.0*deg,a=0;a<na;a+=N-2,ang-=72.0*deg) { p[0]=R*cos(ang); p[1]=R*sin(ang); p[2]=sz; i0=pnt.add(p[0],p[1],+p[2]); i1=pnt.add(p[0],p[1],-p[2]); a0=a-1;if (a0< 0) a0+=na; a1=a+1;if (a1>=na) a1-=na; ii[0]=ab[a0][b0-1]; ii[2]=ab[a1][b0-1]; ii[1]=ab[a0][b0+1]; ii[3]=ab[a1][b0+1]; // hexagons h.col=0x00008080; h.a=a; h.b=0; h.ix[0]=hex[ii[0]].ix[0]; h.ix[1]=hex[ii[0]].ix[1]; h.ix[2]=hex[ii[1]].ix[1]; h.ix[3]=hex[ii[1]].ix[0]; h.ix[4]=i0; h.ix[5]=i1; hex.add(h); h.a=a; h.b=0; h.ix[0]=hex[ii[2]].ix[2]; h.ix[1]=hex[ii[2]].ix[1]; h.ix[2]=hex[ii[3]].ix[1]; h.ix[3]=hex[ii[3]].ix[2]; h.ix[4]=i0; h.ix[5]=i1; hex.add(h); // pentagons h.col=0x000040A0; h.a=a; h.b=0; h.ix[0]=hex[ii[0]].ix[0]; h.ix[1]=hex[ii[0]].ix[5]; h.ix[2]=hex[ii[2]].ix[3]; h.ix[3]=hex[ii[2]].ix[2]; h.ix[4]=i1; h.ix[5]=i1; hex.add(h); h.a=a; h.b=0; h.ix[0]=hex[ii[1]].ix[0]; h.ix[1]=hex[ii[1]].ix[5]; h.ix[2]=hex[ii[3]].ix[3]; h.ix[3]=hex[ii[3]].ix[2]; h.ix[4]=i0; h.ix[5]=i0; hex.add(h); } // release index search table for (a=0;a<na;a++) delete[] ab[a]; delete[] ab; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void hex_draw(GLuint style) // draw hex { int i,j; _hexagon *h; for (h=hex.dat,i=0;i<hex.num;i++,h++) { if (style==GL_POLYGON) glColor4ubv((BYTE*)&h->col); glBegin(style); for (j=0;j<6;j++) glVertex3dv(pnt.pnt.dat+h->ix[j]); glEnd(); } if (0) if (style==GL_POLYGON) { scr.text_init_pixel(0.1,-0.2); glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); for (h=hex.dat,i=0;i<hex.num;i++,h++) if (abs(h->b)<2) { double p[3]; vector_ld(p,0.0,0.0,0.0); for (j=0;j<6;j++) vector_add(p,p,pnt.pnt.dat+h->ix[j]); vector_mul(p,p,1.0/6.0); scr.text(p[0],p[1],p[2],AnsiString().sprintf("%i,%i",h->a,h->b)); } scr.text_exit_pixel(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TMain::draw() { scr.cls(); int x,y; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,-5.0); glRotated(animx,1.0,0.0,0.0); glRotated(animy,0.0,1.0,0.0); hex_draw(GL_POLYGON); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0.0,0.0,-5.0+0.01); glRotated(animx,1.0,0.0,0.0); glRotated(animy,0.0,1.0,0.0); glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); glLineWidth(2); hex_draw(GL_LINE_LOOP); glCirclexy(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.5); glLineWidth(1); scr.exe(); scr.rfs(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TMain::TMain(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) { scr.init(this); hex_sphere(10,1.5); _redraw=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMain::FormDestroy(TObject *Sender) { scr.exit(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMain::FormPaint(TObject *Sender) { _redraw=true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMain::FormResize(TObject *Sender) { scr.resize(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(60,float(scr.xs)/float(scr.ys),0.1,100.0); _redraw=true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMain::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender) { animx+=danimx; if (animx>=360.0) animx-=360.0; _redraw=true; animy+=danimy; if (animy>=360.0) animy-=360.0; _redraw=true; if (_redraw) { draw(); _redraw=false; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TMain::FormKeyDown(TObject *Sender, WORD &Key, TShiftState Shift) { Caption=Key; if (Key==40){ animx+=2.0; _redraw=true; } if (Key==38){ animx-=2.0; _redraw=true; } if (Key==39){ animy+=2.0; _redraw=true; } if (Key==37){ animy-=2.0; _redraw=true; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |