Why do sites like twitter, gawker use #! instead of simple URL?
Possible Duplicate:
What's the shebang (#!) in Facebook and new Twitter URLs for?
1 | http://twitter.com/#!/username |
1 | http://twitter.com/username |
第二部分:there to thisP></为什么在instead of a real页面片段标识符?
因为他们是overusing Ajax。instead of New Page to a链接,链接到他们的非existent片段或dynamically generated of the current page,然后使用JavaScript to change the content。P></为什么用
因为谷歌地图的URL将在不同的恩。我需要的是你可以继续,只是for them替代版本。这allows the content to be indexed模式搜索发动机。P></
在URL中,after the contents are the哈希马克(#)not sent to the server is visible to,but instead JavaScript on the page。我知道,#使用基本allows the page"http://EN twitter.com /"(for example to handle模式弹出,弹出开放connections to Load背景额外的日期)。this also means that the content that change from one page不to another(the General of the page)布局和高速缓存)可以立即(since the effective served网址"http://是我whereas twitter.com /"中),把它的URL(without the path of the hash会在require the)全取to get that分开布置。P></