TypeError: playerMovement() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
Traceback (most recent call last):
Development/Projects/Racing Game.py", line 141, inplayerMovement(x,y)
TypeError: playerMovement() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were
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r.width / 2, j)) elif c == 2: r = text_image.get_rect() gameDisplay.blit(text_image, (l, j - r.height / 2)) elif c == 3: r = text_image.get_rect() gameDisplay.blit(text_image, (l - r.width / 2, j - r.height / 2)) else: gameDisplay.blit(text_image, (l, j)) def playerMovement(event): for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN): if (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == K_a): x_change = -5 elif (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d): x_change = 5 if (event.type == pygame.KEYUP): if (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d): x_change = 0 elif (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_a): x_change = 0 return(x_change) def developerTools(): if developerVision == True: draw_ruler() draw_center_indicator() draw_mouse_position() def drawGame(x,y): gameDisplay.fill(WHITE) car(x, y) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) # Flags ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# crashed = False if (developerVision == True): rulerEnabled = True centercrosshairEnabled = True displayMousePosition = True if (developerVision == False): rulerEnabled = False centercrosshairEnabled = False displayMousePosition = False # Helpful Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# def draw_ruler(): global gameDisplay for x in range(10, display_width - 10, 10): if x % 50 == 0: pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (x, 0), (x, 10), 1) text(x, 13,"{0}".format(x), 1) else: pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (x, 0), (x, 5), 1) for y in range(10,display_height - 10, 10): if y % 50 == 0: pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (0, y), (10, y), 1) text(13, y,"{0}".format(y), 2) else: pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (0, y), (5, y), 1) def draw_center_indicator(): global gameDisplay pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (display_width, display_height - 25), (display_width, display_height- 5), 1) pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (display_width, display_height + 5), (display_width, display_height + 25), 1) pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (display_width - 25, display_height), (display_height - 5, display_height), 1) pygame.draw.line(gameDisplay, (255, 0, 0), (display_width + 5, display_height), (display_width + 25, display_height), 1) def draw_mouse_position(): global gameDisplay x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() text(x, y - 15,"x: {0}, y: {1}".format(x, y), 1) # Game Loop -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# while not crashed: for event in pygame.event.get(): #How to handle Exiting if event.type == pygame.quit: crashed = True #Handeling movement playerMovement(x,y) developerTools() drawGame() quit() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | while not crashed: for event in pygame.event.get(): #How to handle Exiting if event.type == pygame.quit: crashed = True #Handeling movement playerMovement(x,y) # in this line you are giving 2 args(x,y) developerTools() drawGame() quit() |