node.js global variables?
1 | _ = require('underscore'); |
1 | GLOBAL._ = require('underscore'); // but you"shouldn't" do this! (see note below) |
1 | GLOBAL.window = GLOBAL; // like in the browser |
1 2 3 | node-v0.6.6/src/node.js: 28: global = this; 128: global.GLOBAL = global; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 | console.log(" THIS:"); console.log(this); console.log(" GLOBAL:"); console.log(global); /* outputs ... THIS: {} GLOBAL: { ArrayBuffer: [Function: ArrayBuffer], Int8Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 }, Uint8Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 }, Int16Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 2 }, Uint16Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 2 }, Int32Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4 }, Uint32Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4 }, Float32Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 4 }, Float64Array: { [Function] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 8 }, DataView: [Function: DataView], global: [Circular], process: { EventEmitter: [Function: EventEmitter], title: 'node', assert: [Function], version: 'v0.6.5', _tickCallback: [Function], moduleLoadList: [ 'Binding evals', 'Binding natives', 'NativeModule events', 'NativeModule buffer', 'Binding buffer', 'NativeModule assert', 'NativeModule util', 'NativeModule path', 'NativeModule module', 'NativeModule fs', 'Binding fs', 'Binding constants', 'NativeModule stream', 'NativeModule console', 'Binding tty_wrap', 'NativeModule tty', 'NativeModule net', 'NativeModule timers', 'Binding timer_wrap', 'NativeModule _linklist' ], versions: { node: '0.6.5', v8: '', ares: '1.7.5-DEV', uv: '0.6', openssl: '0.9.8n' }, nextTick: [Function], stdout: [Getter], arch: 'x64', stderr: [Getter], platform: 'darwin', argv: [ 'node', '/workspace/zd/zgap/darwin-js/index.js' ], stdin: [Getter], env: { TERM_PROGRAM: '', 'COM_GOOGLE_CHROME_FRAMEWORK_SERVICE_PROCESS/USERS/DDOPSON/LIBRARY/APPLICATION_SUPPORT/GOOGLE/CHROME_SOCKET': '/tmp/launch-nNl1vo/ServiceProcessSocket', TERM: 'xterm', SHELL: '/bin/bash', TMPDIR: '/var/folders/2h/2hQmtmXlFT4yVGtr5DBpdl9LAiQ/-Tmp-/', Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render: '/tmp/launch-9Ga0PT/Render', USER: 'ddopson', COMMAND_MODE: 'unix2003', SSH_AUTH_SOCK: '/tmp/launch-sD905b/Listeners', __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING: '0x12D732E7:0:0', PATH: '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:~/bin:/usr/X11/bin', PWD: '/workspace/zd/zgap/darwin-js', LANG: 'en_US.UTF-8', ITERM_PROFILE: 'Default', SHLVL: '1', COLORFGBG: '7;0', HOME: '/Users/ddopson', ITERM_SESSION_ID: 'w0t0p0', LOGNAME: 'ddopson', DISPLAY: '/tmp/launch-l9RQXI/org.x:0', OLDPWD: '/workspace/zd/zgap/darwin-js/external', _: './index.js' }, openStdin: [Function], exit: [Function], pid: 10321, features: { debug: false, uv: true, ipv6: true, tls_npn: false, tls_sni: true, tls: true }, kill: [Function], execPath: '/usr/local/bin/node', addListener: [Function], _needTickCallback: [Function], on: [Function], removeListener: [Function], reallyExit: [Function], chdir: [Function], debug: [Function], error: [Function], cwd: [Function], watchFile: [Function], umask: [Function], getuid: [Function], unwatchFile: [Function], mixin: [Function], setuid: [Function], setgid: [Function], createChildProcess: [Function], getgid: [Function], inherits: [Function], _kill: [Function], _byteLength: [Function], mainModule: { id: '.', exports: {}, parent: null, filename: '/workspace/zd/zgap/darwin-js/index.js', loaded: false, exited: false, children: [], paths: [Object] }, _debugProcess: [Function], dlopen: [Function], uptime: [Function], memoryUsage: [Function], uvCounters: [Function], binding: [Function] }, GLOBAL: [Circular], root: [Circular], Buffer: { [Function: Buffer] poolSize: 8192, isBuffer: [Function: isBuffer], byteLength: [Function], _charsWritten: 8 }, setTimeout: [Function], setInterval: [Function], clearTimeout: [Function], clearInterval: [Function], console: [Getter], window: [Circular], navigator: {} } */ |
在每一个有规则的例外。我是一个非常精确的时间,我需要设置"全球。_"。我是创建一个定义文件系统的"配置",这是基本的JSON的,但是"写在JS"让一位更多的灵活性。搜索配置文件没有要求陈述,但我想他们有下划线的访问(在整个系统predicated和下划线下划线什么模板),所以在评价"config",一个"全球_集。"。所以是的,为每一个规则的例外,它在的地方。但你有更好的有一个该死的好理由不仅"I get打字累了,因此我想要求一个打破会议"。
其他的解决方案,使用的关键字是一个噩梦的全球功能(+ / readability命名空间污染和错误)当项目变得更大。我见过这个错误多次在纽约大学和有固定它。
1 2 3 4 5 | var Globals = { 'domain':''; } module.exports = Globals; |
1 2 | var globals = require('globals'); //<< globals.js path globals.domain //<< Domain. |
1 | global.MYAPI._ = require('underscore') |
"提示:http://// JavaScript开发使用命名空间
1 2 3 4 5 | var X = ['a', 'b', 'c']; global.x = X; console.log(x); //['a', 'b', 'c'] |
1 2 3 | // Some global/config file that gets called in initialisation global.MyError = [Function of MyError]; |