Converting an object to a string
1 2 3 | var o = {a:1, b:2} console.log(o) console.log('Item: ' + o) |
Object { a=1, b=2} // very nice readable output :)
Item: [object Object] // no idea what's inside :(
1 2 3 4 5 | var obj = { name: 'myObj' }; JSON.stringify(obj); |
使用javascript string()函数。
1 | String(yourobject); //returns [object Object] |
1 | JSON.stringify(yourobject) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | function objToString (obj) { var str = ''; for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { str += p + '::' + obj[p] + ' '; } } return str; } |
1 2 3 4 | var o = {a:1, b:2}; console.log(o); console.log('Item: ' + o); console.log('Item: ', o); // :) |
1 2 3 | Object { a=1, b=2} // useful Item: [object Object] // not useful Item: Object {a: 1, b: 2} // Best of both worlds! :) |
编辑不要使用此答案,因为它在Internet Explorer中不起作用。使用Gary Chambers溶液。
1 2 3 4 | var object = {}; object.first ="test"; object.second ="test2"; alert(object.toSource()); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | //Make an object a string that evaluates to an equivalent object // Note that eval() seems tricky and sometimes you have to do // something like eval("a =" + yourString), then use the value // of a. // // Also this leaves extra commas after everything, but JavaScript // ignores them. function convertToText(obj) { //create an array that will later be joined into a string. var string = []; //is object // Both arrays and objects seem to return"object" // when typeof(obj) is applied to them. So instead // I am checking to see if they have the property // join, which normal objects don't have but // arrays do. if (typeof(obj) =="object" && (obj.join == undefined)) { string.push("{"); for (prop in obj) { string.push(prop,":", convertToText(obj[prop]),","); }; string.push("}"); //is array } else if (typeof(obj) =="object" && !(obj.join == undefined)) { string.push("[") for(prop in obj) { string.push(convertToText(obj[prop]),","); } string.push("]") //is function } else if (typeof(obj) =="function") { string.push(obj.toString()) //all other values can be done with JSON.stringify } else { string.push(JSON.stringify(obj)) } return string.join("") } |
Here is a little bit changed code, which can handle 'null' and 'undefined', and also do not add excessive commas.
1 2 3 | $.each(this, function (name, value) { alert(String(value)); }); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | var obj={ name:'xyz', Address:'123, Somestreet' } var convertedString=JSON.stringify(obj) console.log("literal object is",obj ,typeof obj); console.log("converted string :",convertedString); console.log(" convertedString type:",typeof convertedString); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | function objToString(obj, ndeep) { if(obj == null){ return String(obj); } switch(typeof obj){ case"string": return '"'+obj+'"'; case"function": return || obj.toString(); case"object": var indent = Array(ndeep||1).join('\t'), isArray = Array.isArray(obj); return '{['[+isArray] + Object.keys(obj).map(function(key){ return ' \t' + indent + key + ': ' + objToString(obj[key], (ndeep||1)+1); }).join(',') + ' ' + indent + '}]'[+isArray]; default: return obj.toString(); } } |
1 2 | var o = {a:1, b:2} console.dir(o) |
JSON方法远不如gecko engine.tosource()原语。
另外,上面的答案是 source-with-arrays-in-ie-386109.html,与json(另一篇文章通过"extjs json encode source code"使用)一样,它无法处理循环引用,并且不完整。下面的代码显示了它的(spoof的)限制(修正为处理数组和没有内容的对象)。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | javascript: Object.prototype.spoof=function(){ if (this instanceof String){ return '(new String("'+this.replace(/"/g, '\"')+'"))'; } var str=(this instanceof Array) ? '[' : (this instanceof Object) ? '{' : '('; for (var i in this){ if (this[i] != Object.prototype.spoof) { if (this instanceof Array == false) { str+=(i.match(/\W/)) ? '"'+i.replace('"', '\"')+'":' : i+':'; } if (typeof this[i] == 'string'){ str+='"'+this[i].replace('"', '\"'); } else if (this[i] instanceof Date){ str+='new Date("'+this[i].toGMTString()+'")'; } else if (this[i] instanceof Array || this[i] instanceof Object){ str+=this[i].spoof(); } else { str+=this[i]; } str+=', '; } }; str=/* fix */(str.length>2?str.substring(0, str.length-2):str)/* -ed */+( (this instanceof Array) ? ']' : (this instanceof Object) ? '}' : ')' ); return str; }; for(i in objRA=[ [ 'Simple Raw Object source code:', '[new Array, new Object, new Boolean, new Number, ' + 'new String, new RegExp, new Function, new Date]' ] , [ 'Literal Instances source code:', '[ [], {}, true, 1,"", /./, function(){}, new Date() ]' ] , [ 'some predefined entities:', '[JSON, Math, null, Infinity, NaN, ' + 'void(0), Function, Array, Object, undefined]' ] ]) alert([ ' testing:',objRA[i][0],objRA[i][1], ' .toSource()',(obj=eval(objRA[i][1])).toSource(), ' toSource() spoof:',obj.spoof() ].join(' ')); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | testing: Simple Raw Object source code: [new Array, new Object, new Boolean, new Number, new String, new RegExp, new Function, new Date] .toSource() [[], {}, (new Boolean(false)), (new Number(0)), (new String("")), /(?:)/, (function anonymous() {}), (new Date(1303248037722))] toSource() spoof: [[], {}, {}, {}, (new String("")), {}, {}, new Date("Tue, 19 Apr 2011 21:20:37 GMT")] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | testing: Literal Instances source code: [ [], {}, true, 1,"", /./, function(){}, new Date() ] .toSource() [[], {}, true, 1,"", /./, (function () {}), (new Date(1303248055778))] toSource() spoof: [[], {}, true, 1,", {}, {}, new Date("Tue, 19 Apr 2011 21:20:55 GMT")] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | testing: some predefined entities: [JSON, Math, null, Infinity, NaN, void(0), Function, Array, Object, undefined] .toSource() [JSON, Math, null, Infinity, NaN, (void 0), function Function() {[native code]}, function Array() {[native code]}, function Object() {[native code]}, (void 0)] toSource() spoof: [{}, {}, null, Infinity, NaN, undefined, {}, {}, {}, undefined] |
1 | JSON.stringify(o); |
Item: {"a":"1","b":"2"}
1 2 3 4 | var o = {a:1, b:2}; var b=[]; Object.keys(o).forEach(function(k){b.push(k+":"+o[k]);}); b="{"+b.join(', ')+"}"; console.log('Item: ' + b); |
Item: {a:1, b:2}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 | function objectToString (obj) { var str = ''; var i=0; for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if(typeof obj[key] == 'object') { if(obj[key] instanceof Array) { str+= key + ' : [ '; for(var j=0;j<obj[key].length;j++) { if(typeof obj[key][j]=='object') { str += '{' + objectToString(obj[key][j]) + (j > 0 ? ',' : '') + '}'; } else { str += '\'' + obj[key][j] + '\'' + (j > 0 ? ',' : ''); //non objects would be represented as strings } } str+= ']' + (i > 0 ? ',' : '') } else { str += key + ' : { ' + objectToString(obj[key]) + '} ' + (i > 0 ? ',' : ''); } } else { str +=key + ':\'' + obj[key] + '\'' + (i > 0 ? ',' : ''); } i++; } } return str; } |
1 | npm install stringify-object |
1 2 | const stringifyObject = require('stringify-object'); stringifyObject(myCircularObject); |
看看jquery json插件
1 | console.log('Item: %o', o); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | var o = {a:1, b:2}; o.toString=function(){ return 'a='+this.a+', b='+this.b; }; console.log(o); console.log('Item: ' + o); |
因为javascript v1.0在任何地方都可以工作(甚至是IE)这是一种本机方法,允许在调试和生产过程中对对象进行非常昂贵的查看。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | var Ship=function(n,x,y){ = n; this.x = x; this.y = y; }; Ship.prototype.toString=function(){ return '"''" located at: x:'+this.x+' y:'+this.y; }; alert([new Ship('Star Destroyer', 50.001, 53.201), new Ship('Millennium Falcon', 123.987, 287.543), new Ship('TIE fighter', 83.060, 102.523)].join(' '));//now they can battle! //"Star Destroyer" located at: x:50.001 y:53.201 //"Millennium Falcon" located at: x:123.987 y:287.543 //"TIE fighter" located at: x:83.06 y:102.523 |
10如果您使用的是Dojo JavaScript框架,那么已经有了一个内置函数:dojo.tojson(),可以这样使用。
1 2 3 4 | var obj = { name: 'myObj' }; dojo.toJson(obj); |
1 | dojo.toJson(obj, true); | dojo-tojson
1 2 3 | Object.entries(o).map(x=>x.join(":")).join(" ") |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 | /* This function is as JSON.Stringify (but if you has not in your js-engine you can use this) Params: obj - your object inc_ident - can be"" or"\t". show_types - show types of object or not ident - need for recoursion but you can not set this parameter. */ function getAsText(obj, inc_ident, show_types, ident) { var res =""; if (!ident) ident =""; if (typeof(obj) =="string") { res +=""" + obj +"""; res += (show_types == true) ?"/* typeobj:" + typeof(obj) +"*/" :""; } else if (typeof(obj) =="number" || typeof(obj) =="boolean") { res += obj; res += (show_types == true) ?"/* typeobj:" + typeof(obj) +"*/" :""; } else if (obj instanceof Array) { res +="["; res += show_types ?"/* typeobj:" + typeof(obj) +"*/" :""; res +=" "; var new_ident = ident + inc_ident; var arr = []; for(var key in obj) { arr.push(new_ident + getAsText(obj[key], inc_ident, show_types, new_ident)); } res += arr.join(", ") +" "; res += ident +"]"; } else { var new_ident = ident + inc_ident; res +="{"; res += (show_types == true) ?"/* typeobj:" + typeof(obj) +"*/" :""; res +=" "; var arr = []; for(var key in obj) { arr.push(new_ident + '"' + key +"" :" + getAsText(obj[key], inc_ident, show_types, new_ident)); } res += arr.join(", ") +" "; res += ident +"} "; } return res; }; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | var obj = { str :"hello", arr : ["1","2","3", 4], b : true, vobj : { str :"hello2" } } var ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2; var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f1 = fso.OpenTextFile("your_object1.txt", ForWriting, true) f1.Write(getAsText(obj,"\t")); f1.Close(); f2 = fso.OpenTextFile("your_object2.txt", ForWriting, true) f2.Write(getAsText(obj,"\t", true)); f2.Close(); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | { "str" :"hello" , "arr" : [ "1" , "2" , "3" , 4 ], "b" : true, "vobj" : { "str" :"hello2" } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | { /* typeobj: object*/ "str" :"hello" /* typeobj: string*/, "arr" : [ /* typeobj: object*/ "1" /* typeobj: string*/, "2" /* typeobj: string*/, "3" /* typeobj: string*/, 4/* typeobj: number*/ ], "b" : true/* typeobj: boolean*/, "vobj" : { /* typeobj: object*/ "str" :"hello2" /* typeobj: string*/ } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | JSON.stringify(object, (key, val) => { if (typeof val === 'function') { return String(val); } return val; }); |
1 2 3 | > var o = {a:1, b:2}; > '{' +, (value, key) => key + ':' + value).join(', ') + '}' '{a:1, b:2}' |
1 2 | >, (value, key) => key + ':' + value) [ 'a:1', 'b:2' ] |
1 2 | > `{${, (value, key) => `${key}:${value}`).join(', ')}}` '{a:1, b:2}' |
1 2 3 | > var o = {a:1, b:{c:2}} >, (value, key) => `${key}:${value}`) [ 'a:1', 'b:[object Object]' ] |
1 2 | > util.inspect(o) '{ a: 1, b: { c: 2 } }' |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | var data_array = [{ "id":"0", "store":"ABC" },{ "id":"1", "store":"XYZ" }]; console.log(String(data_array[1]["id"]+data_array[1]["store"])); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 | const someObj = { a: { nested: { value: 'apple', }, sibling: 'peanut' }, b: { languages: ['en', 'de', 'fr'], c: { nice: 'heh' } }, c: 'butter', d: function () {} }; function* objIter(obj, indent = ' ', depth = 0, path = '') { const t = indent.repeat(depth); const t1 = indent.repeat(depth + 1); const v = v => JSON.stringify(v); yield { type: Array.isArray(obj) ? 'OPEN_ARR' : 'OPEN_OBJ', indent, depth }; const keys = Object.keys(obj); for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { const key = keys[i]; const prop = obj[key]; const nextPath = !path && key || `${path}.${key}`; if (typeof prop !== 'object') { yield { type: isNaN(key) ? 'VAL' : 'ARR_VAL', key, prop, indent, depth, path: nextPath }; } else { yield { type: 'OBJ_KEY', key, indent, depth, path: nextPath }; yield* objIter(prop, indent, depth + 1, nextPath); } } yield { type: Array.isArray(obj) ? 'CLOSE_ARR' : 'CLOSE_OBJ', indent, depth }; } const iterMap = (it, mapFn) => { const arr = []; for (const x of it) { arr.push(mapFn(x)) } return arr; } const objToStr = obj => iterMap(objIter(obj), ({ type, key, prop, indent, depth, path }) => { const t = indent.repeat(depth); const t1 = indent.repeat(depth + 1); const v = v => JSON.stringify(v); switch (type) { case 'OPEN_ARR': return '[ '; case 'OPEN_OBJ': return '{ '; case 'VAL': return `${t1}// ${path} ${t1}${v(key)}: ${v(prop)}, `; case 'ARR_VAL': return `${t1}// ${path} ${t1}${v(prop)}, `; case 'OBJ_KEY': return `${t1}// ${path} ${t1}${v(key)}: `; case 'CLOSE_ARR': case 'CLOSE_OBJ': return `${t}${type === 'CLOSE_ARR' ? ']' : '}'}${depth ? ',' : ';'} `; default: throw new Error('Unknown type:', type); } }).join(''); const s = objToStr(someObj); console.log(s); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | function objToString (obj) { var str = '{'; if(typeof obj=='object') { for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { str += p + ':' + objToString (obj[p]) + ','; } } } else { if(typeof obj=='string') { return '"'+obj+'"'; } else { return obj+''; } } return str.substring(0,str.length-1)+"}"; } |
1 2 3 4 5 | const obj = {one:1, two:2, three:3}; let arr = []; for(let p in obj) arr.push(obj[p]); const str = arr.join(','); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | setobjToString:function(obj){ var me =this; obj=obj[0]; var tabjson=[]; for (var p in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (obj[p] instanceof Array){ tabjson.push('"'+p +'"'+ ':' + me.setobjToString(obj[p])); }else{ tabjson.push('"'+p +'"'+':"'+obj[p]+'"'); } } } tabjson.push() return '{'+tabjson.join(',')+'}'; } |