Why do Objective C files use the .m extension?
"The .m extension originally stood for
"messages" when Objective-C was first
introduced, referring to a central
feature of Objective-C [...]"
编辑:为了满足一个瘙痒,我给Objective-C的发明者Brad Cox发了一封电子邮件,告诉他这个问题,他用这一行回答:
"Because .o and .c were taken. Simple
as that."
The organisation of Objective-C source is typically similar to that of C or C++ source code, with declarations and object interfaces going into header files named with a .h extension, and definitions and object implementations going in files named with a .m (short for methods) extension.
猜测:1983年是随着第一台Macintosh电脑推出的。因此,它可能是M as in macintosh,也可能是M as in methods,甚至两者兼而有之。