关于sql server:如何在SQL Management Studio中指定不同的端口号?

How do you specify a different port number in SQL Management Studio?

我正在尝试连接到不在1433端口上的Microsoft SQL 2005服务器。使用SQL Management Studio连接到服务器时,如何指示不同的端口号?

(P)字母名称(p)(P)Add a comma between the IP and port(p)



(P)利用客户经理影响到所有连接或节点的客户机上的别名。(p)(P)Use the comma as above:this can be used in an app.config too(p)(P)如果你和那个侍者之间有防火墙的话这可能是需要的(p)

(P)你需要SQL服务器配置经理。Go to sql native client configuration,select client protocols,right click on TCP/IP and set your default port there.(p)

(P)On windows platform with server execute command:(p)字母名称(P)Look for EDOCX1 English 2 Processes and Find Port F.E 49198(p)(P)Or Easier.连接到DBvisizer,run EDOCX1的第三个音标Find DBvis.exe process and get port.(p)