How to update column after inline add in jqGrid
jqGrid 包含在 colmodel 中定义为
1 2 3 4 5 6 | {"name":"_actions", "formatoptions":{"editbutton":true,"keys":true ,"delbutton":true } }, {"name":"Kood","editable":true,"hidden":true} |
保存数据后,控制器返回新的 Kood 列值。
这个新值应该分配给 Kood 列。
下面的代码显示了我尝试过的两种方法,但都失败了。 Kood 列值不会改变
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | $grid.jqGrid('inlineNav', '#grid_toppager', { addParams: { addRowParams: { keys: true, // This is called if enter key is pressed to save added row aftersavefunc: afterSaveFuncAfterAdd, } }, editParams: { keys: true, // This is called if saver button in toolbar is pressed on inline add aftersavefunc: afterSaveFuncAfterAdd, }, add: true, edit: false, save: true, cancel: true }); function afterSaveFuncAfterAdd(rowID, response ) { var json = $.parseJSON(response.responseText); postData = $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'postData'); // this shows correct value: alert(json.PrimaryKeyValues[0]); // attempt 1: $('#' + rowID + '_Kood').val(json.PrimaryKeyValues[0]); // attempt2: postData['Kood'] = json.PrimaryKeyValues[0]; } |
editRow 的回调
1 | {"Id":"DB_Id","Kood":"new Kood value"} |
1 | {"Kood":"new Kood value"} |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | var afterSaveFunc = function (rowId, response) { var data = $.parseJSON(response.responseText); if ($.isPlainObject(data) && typeof data.Kood !=="undefined") { if (typeof data.Id !=="undefined") { // if we have 'Id' column in the grid we have to update the column // together with the value of `Kood` $(this).jqGrid('setRowData', rowId, { Id: data.Id, Kood: data.Kood }); // if we have no additional `Id` we can update the Kood column only with // the statement like below // $(this).jqGrid('setCell', rowId, 'Kood', data.Kood); // in case of"Add" operation we have to update the row Id $('#' + $.jgrid.jqID(rowId)).attr('id', data.Id); } else { $(this).jqGrid('setCell', rowId, 'Kood', data.Kood); } } } |