StanfordCoreNLP 是基于java版的,python封装也只是请求java接口,不是很方便。
1 | pip install stanza |
2、下载模型 stanza_resources
1 2 3 | import stanza'en') # download English model'zh') # download chinese model |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 | import stanza # 可写配置文件,或单独传入 # lang 指定语言, config = { 'dir':'./stanza_resources/', # 如未使用 下载模型;必须指定模型文件路径 # 'processors': 'tokenize,mwt,pos,ner', # Comma-separated list of processors to use 'lang': 'zh' #'en', # Language code for the language to build the Pipeline in # 'tokenize_model_path': './fr_gsd_models/', # Processor-specific arguments are set with keys "{processor_name}_{argument_name}" # 'mwt_model_path': './fr_gsd_models/', # 'pos_model_path': './fr_gsd_models/', # 'pos_pretrain_path': './fr_gsd_models/', # 'tokenize_pretokenized': True # Use pretokenized text as input and disable tokenization } nlp = stanza.Pipeline(**config) #输出: 2020-04-15 16:58:35 INFO: Loading these models for language: en (English): ========================= | Processor | Package | ------------------------- | tokenize | ewt | | pos | ewt | | lemma | ewt | | depparse | ewt | | ner | ontonotes | ========================= 2020-04-15 16:58:35 INFO: Use device: gpu 2020-04-15 16:58:35 INFO: Loading: tokenize 2020-04-15 16:58:40 INFO: Loading: pos 2020-04-15 16:58:41 INFO: Loading: lemma 2020-04-15 16:58:41 INFO: Loading: depparse 2020-04-15 16:58:42 INFO: Loading: ner 2020-04-15 16:58:42 INFO: Done loading processors! doc = nlp('快速的棕色狐狸跳过了懒惰的狗') doc.sentences # 输出: [[ { "id": "1", "text": "快速", "lemma": "快速", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ", "head": 4, "deprel": "amod", "misc": "start_char=0|end_char=2" }, { "id": "2", "text": "的", "lemma": "的", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "DEC", "head": 1, "deprel": "mark:relcl", "misc": "start_char=2|end_char=3" }, { "id": "3", "text": "棕色", "lemma": "棕色", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN", "head": 4, "deprel": "nmod", "misc": "start_char=3|end_char=5" }, { "id": "4", "text": "狐狸", "lemma": "狐狸", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN", "head": 5, "deprel": "nsubj", "misc": "start_char=5|end_char=7" }, { "id": "5", "text": "跳过", "lemma": "跳过", "upos": "VERB", "xpos": "VV", "head": 0, "deprel": "root", "misc": "start_char=7|end_char=9" }, { "id": "6", "text": "了", "lemma": "了", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "AS", "feats": "Aspect=Perf", "head": 5, "deprel": "case:aspect", "misc": "start_char=9|end_char=10" }, { "id": "7", "text": "懒惰", "lemma": "懒惰", "upos": "ADJ", "xpos": "JJ", "head": 9, "deprel": "amod", "misc": "start_char=10|end_char=12" }, { "id": "8", "text": "的", "lemma": "的", "upos": "PART", "xpos": "DEC", "head": 7, "deprel": "mark:relcl", "misc": "start_char=12|end_char=13" }, { "id": "9", "text": "狗", "lemma": "狗", "upos": "NOUN", "xpos": "NN", "head": 5, "deprel": "obj", "misc": "start_char=13|end_char=14" } ]] doc.sentences[0].print_dependencies() 输出: ('快速', '4', 'amod') ('的', '1', 'mark:relcl') ('棕色', '4', 'nmod') ('狐狸', '5', 'nsubj') ('跳过', '0', 'root') ('了', '5', 'case:aspect') ('懒惰', '9', 'amod') ('的', '7', 'mark:relcl') ('狗', '5', 'obj') doc.sentences[0].print_tokens() 输出: <Token id=1;words=[<Word id=1;text=快速;lemma=快速;upos=ADJ;xpos=JJ;head=4;deprel=amod>]> <Token id=2;words=[<Word id=2;text=的;lemma=的;upos=PART;xpos=DEC;head=1;deprel=mark:relcl>]> <Token id=3;words=[<Word id=3;text=棕色;lemma=棕色;upos=NOUN;xpos=NN;head=4;deprel=nmod>]> <Token id=4;words=[<Word id=4;text=狐狸;lemma=狐狸;upos=NOUN;xpos=NN;head=5;deprel=nsubj>]> <Token id=5;words=[<Word id=5;text=跳过;lemma=跳过;upos=VERB;xpos=VV;head=0;deprel=root>]> <Token id=6;words=[<Word id=6;text=了;lemma=了;upos=PART;xpos=AS;feats=Aspect=Perf;head=5;deprel=case:aspect>]> <Token id=7;words=[<Word id=7;text=懒惰;lemma=懒惰;upos=ADJ;xpos=JJ;head=9;deprel=amod>]> <Token id=8;words=[<Word id=8;text=的;lemma=的;upos=PART;xpos=DEC;head=7;deprel=mark:relcl>]> <Token id=9;words=[<Word id=9;text=狗;lemma=狗;upos=NOUN;xpos=NN;head=5;deprel=obj>]> doc.sentences[0].print_words() 输出: <Word id=1;text=快速;lemma=快速;upos=ADJ;xpos=JJ;head=4;deprel=amod> <Word id=2;text=的;lemma=的;upos=PART;xpos=DEC;head=1;deprel=mark:relcl> <Word id=3;text=棕色;lemma=棕色;upos=NOUN;xpos=NN;head=4;deprel=nmod> <Word id=4;text=狐狸;lemma=狐狸;upos=NOUN;xpos=NN;head=5;deprel=nsubj> <Word id=5;text=跳过;lemma=跳过;upos=VERB;xpos=VV;head=0;deprel=root> <Word id=6;text=了;lemma=了;upos=PART;xpos=AS;feats=Aspect=Perf;head=5;deprel=case:aspect> <Word id=7;text=懒惰;lemma=懒惰;upos=ADJ;xpos=JJ;head=9;deprel=amod> <Word id=8;text=的;lemma=的;upos=PART;xpos=DEC;head=7;deprel=mark:relcl> <Word id=9;text=狗;lemma=狗;upos=NOUN;xpos=NN;head=5;deprel=obj> doc = nlp('新冠病毒在美国情况恶劣。') doc.ents,doc.entities 输出: [{ "text": "美国", "type": "GPE", "start_char": 5, "end_char": 7 }] |
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cc — 连接(coordination),指中心词与连词 (开发,与) 其它 attr — 属性关系 (是,工程) cordmod– 并列联合动词(coordinated verb compound) (颁布,实行) mmod — 情态动词(modal verb) (得到,能) ba — 把字关系 tclaus — 时间从句 (以后,积累) — semantic dependent cpm — 补语化成分(complementizer),一般指“的”引导的CP (振兴,的) |