Note: 在我有空的时候尽量把SSVEP流行的方法都开源出来,一是方便自己复习和巩固,二是希望广大网友能够指出我思路中存在的一些问题。本人接触这个领域时间较短,有什么纰漏请多指教。
如果要说目前SSVEP识别中最流行的几个方法,那么Extended Canonical Correlation Analysis(eCCA)1绝对是其中之一。目前来看,如果研究SSVEP算法,那么对比算法基本是TRCA或者eCCA2 3。此外,很多在线BCI系统也是采用该方法进行频率识别。与TRCA这种具有自己数学模型的方法不同,eCCA仅是对CCA的一种计算结构调整。我们知道受试者的template中包含着一些潜在可利用的分类信息(相位等),eCCA在CCA基础上考虑到了受试者template项。
按照排列组合方式来看,如果我们要根据其中两个信号求空间滤波器,那么会有六种空间滤波器形式。六种空间滤波器会产生10个典型变量,然后每两个典型变量之间又可以计算相关系数,那么就有45个相关系数。这个在Mohammad Hadi MehdizavarehI等人2020年发表在PLOS ONE上的文章4有详述。但实际应用过程中,我们通常只取了三种空间滤波器形式(这里以Chen X等人PANS上的文章为例,第三项做了修正)分别为
注:上述公式来自Chen X等人的论文,其中
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | function [output1, output2] = CCA(signal1, signal2) % Canonical Correlation Analysis, CCA % Input: % signal: #channels, #points % Output: % output1: spatial filter of signal1 % output2: spatial filter of signal2 % X=signal1; Y=signal2; T=size(signal2, 2); %compute covariance matrix meanx=mean(X,2); meany=mean(Y,2); s11=0;s22=0;s12=0;s21=0; for i1=1:T s11=s11+(X(:,i1)-meanx)*(X(:,i1)-meanx)'; s22=s22+(Y(:,i1)-meany)*(Y(:,i1)-meany)'; s12=s12+(X(:,i1)-meanx)*(Y(:,i1)-meany)'; s21=s21+(Y(:,i1)-meany)*(X(:,i1)-meanx)'; end s11=s11/(T-1); s22=s22/(T-1); s12=s12/(T-1); s21=s21/(T-1); %compute eigvalue and eigvector [eigvectora,eigvaluea]=eig(inv(s11)*s12*inv(s22)*s21); [eigvectorb,eigvalueb]=eig(inv(s22)*s21*inv(s11)*s12); evaluea= diag(eigvaluea); evalueb = diag(eigvalueb); % correlation coefficient & canonical variates of signal1 [corrcoef1, index]= max(sqrt(evaluea)); output1 = eigvectora(:, index); % correlation coefficient & canonical variates of signal2 [corrcoef2, index]= max(sqrt(evalueb)); output2 = eigvectorb(:, index); end |
- 上述CCA求解采用的是特征值分解的方法,另外还可以参考SVD分解的做法;
- 通过CCA的推导过程可以看到,corrcoef1和corrcoef2相等,表示两个输入多通道信号的相关系数。在SSVEP中,标准CCA可采用该值直接输出;
- 这个函数文件输出的是两个多通道信号的典型变量,即空间滤波器。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 | % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Main for Extended Canonical Correlation Analysis[1] % % Dataset (Sx.mat): % A 40-target SSVEP dataset recorded from a single subject. The stimuli % were generated by the j oint frequency-phase modulation (JFPM) % - Stimulus frequencies : 8.0 - 15.8 Hz with an interval of 0.2 Hz % - Stimulus phases : 0pi, 0.5pi, 1.0pi, and 1.5pi % - # of channels : Oz % - # of recording blocks : 6 % - Data length of epochs : 1.5 [seconds] % - Sampling rate : 250 [Hz] % - Data format : # channels, # points, # targets, # blocks % % See also: % CCA.m % % Reference: % [1] Chen X, Wang Y, Nakanishi M, Gao X, Jung TP, Gao S (2015) % High-speed spelling with a noninvasive brain-computer interface. % PNAS 112:E6058-6067. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- clear all close all load ('Freq_Phase.mat') load('subject1.mat') eeg = subject1; [N_channel, N_point, N_target, N_block] = size(eeg); % sample rate fs = 250; t=1/fs:1/fs:N_point/fs; %% ------------classification------------- tic % LOO cross-validation for loocv_i = 1:N_block Testdata = eeg(:, :, :, loocv_i); Traindata = eeg; Traindata(:, :, :, loocv_i) = []; % number of harmonics N_harmonic = 2; for targ_i = 1:N_target % Template Template(:, :, targ_i) = mean(squeeze(Traindata(:,:,targ_i,:)),3); % Reference Y=[]; for har_i=1:N_harmonic Y=cat(1,Y,cat(1, sin(2*pi*freqs(targ_i)*har_i*t), ... cos(2*pi*freqs(targ_i)*har_i*t))); end Reference(:, :, targ_i) = Y; end % labels assignment according to testdata truelabels=freqs; N_testTrial=size(Testdata, 3); for trial_i=1:N_testTrial Allcoefficience = []; for targ_j=1:length(freqs) % ρ1 (Filter: Test data & Reference) [wn1, wn2]= CCA(Testdata(:,:,trial_i), Reference(:, :, targ_j)); weighted_train = wn2'*Reference(:,:,targ_j); weighted_test = wn1'*Testdata(:,:,trial_i); coefficienceMatrix = corrcoef(weighted_test,weighted_train); coefficience(1) = abs(coefficienceMatrix(1,2)); % ρ2 (Filter: Test data & Template) [wn, ~] = CCA(Testdata(:,:,trial_i), Template(:, :, targ_j)); weighted_train = wn'*Template(:,:,targ_j); weighted_test = wn'*Testdata(:,:,trial_i); coefficienceMatrix = corrcoef(weighted_test,weighted_train); coefficience(2) = coefficienceMatrix(1,2); % ρ3 (Filter: Test data & Reference) [wn, ~] = CCA(Testdata(:,:,trial_i), Reference(:, :, targ_j)); weighted_train = wn'*Template(:,:,targ_j); weighted_test = wn'*Testdata(:,:,trial_i); coefficienceMatrix = corrcoef(weighted_test,weighted_train); coefficience(3) = coefficienceMatrix(1,2); % ρ4 (Filter: Template & Reference) [wn, ~] = CCA(Template(:, :, targ_j), Reference(:, :, targ_j)); weighted_train = wn'*Template(:,:,targ_j); weighted_test = wn'*Testdata(:,:,trial_i); coefficienceMatrix = corrcoef(weighted_test,weighted_train); coefficience(4) = coefficienceMatrix(1,2); % % ρ5 (Filter: Test data & Template) % [wn1, wn2] = CCA(Testdata(:,:,trial_i), Template(:, :, targ_j)); % weighted_train = wn2'*Template(:,:,targ_j); % weighted_test = wn1'*Template(:,:,targ_j); % coefficienceMatrix = corrcoef(weighted_test,weighted_train); % coefficience(5) = coefficienceMatrix(1,2); % compute correlation values Allcoefficience(targ_j) = sum(sign(coefficience).*coefficience.^2); end % end targ_i % target detection [~, index] = max(Allcoefficience); outputlabels(trial_i) = freqs(index); end % end trial_i trueNum = sum((outputlabels-truelabels)==0); acc(loocv_i) = trueNum/length(truelabels); fprintf('The %d-th CV accuracy is: %.4f, samples: %d/%d\n',loocv_i,... acc(loocv_i),trueNum, N_testTrial) end % end looCv_i t=toc; % data visualization fprintf('\n-----------------------------------------\n') disp(['total time: ',num2str(t),' s']); fprintf('6-fold CV average accuracy is: %.4f\n',mean(acc)) |
- 采用的数据为清华benchmark dataset 受试者1,数据已经经过滤波等预处理,数据长度为1.5s;
- 实验中发现第五项的加入使得正确率降低,故只采用了四项的融合,和万峰老师论文保持一致2 ;
- 完整代码见我的仓库。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | The 1-th CV accuracy is: 0.9250, samples: 37/40 The 2-th CV accuracy is: 0.9750, samples: 39/40 The 3-th CV accuracy is: 0.9750, samples: 39/40 The 4-th CV accuracy is: 0.9750, samples: 39/40 The 5-th CV accuracy is: 0.9750, samples: 39/40 The 6-th CV accuracy is: 0.9750, samples: 39/40 ----------------------------------------- total time: 175.7503 s 6-fold CV average accuracy is: 0.9667 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | The 1-th CV accuracy is: 0.5750, samples: 23/40 The 2-th CV accuracy is: 0.5750, samples: 23/40 The 3-th CV accuracy is: 0.7750, samples: 31/40 The 4-th CV accuracy is: 0.4750, samples: 19/40 The 5-th CV accuracy is: 0.6000, samples: 24/40 The 6-th CV accuracy is: 0.6500, samples: 26/40 ----------------------------------------- total time: 216.9206 s 6-fold CV average accuracy is: 0.6083 |
- Chen X, Wang Y, Nakanishi M, Gao X, Jung TP, Gao S (2015) High-speed spelling with a noninvasive brain-computer interface. PNAS 112:E6058-6067.
- Wong CM, Wan F, Wang B, Wang Z, Nan W, Lao KF, Mak PU, Vai MI, Rosa A (2020) Learning across multi-stimulus enhances target recognition methods in SSVEP-based BCIs. Journal of neural engineering 17:016026.
- Xu M, Han J, Wang Y, Jung TP, Ming D (2020) Implementing over 100 command codes for a high-speed hybrid brain-computer interface using concurrent P300 and SSVEP features. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
- Mehdizavareh MH, Hemati S, Soltanian-Zadeh H (2020) Enhancing performance of subject-specific models via subject-independent information for SSVEP-based BCIs. PloS one 15:e0226048.