Datasheet上的主机发送 接收模式的软件流程图,中文版太给力了,这是第一次认真去分析每一步如何发送数据该如何设置标志和清除标志
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | /*! \brief write more than one byte to the EEPROM with a single write cycle \param[in] p_buffer: pointer to the buffer containing the data to be written to the EEPROM \param[in] write_address: EEPROM's internal address to write to \param[in] number_of_byte: number of bytes to write to the EEPROM \param[out] none \retval none */ void eeprom_page_write(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t write_address, uint8_t number_of_byte) { /* wait until I2C bus is idle */ while(i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_I2CBSY)); /* send a start condition to I2C bus */ i2c_start_on_bus(I2C0); /* wait until SBSEND bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_SBSEND)); /* send slave address to I2C bus */ i2c_master_addressing(I2C0, eeprom_address, I2C_TRANSMITTER); /* wait until ADDSEND bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_ADDSEND)); /* clear the ADDSEND bit */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C0,I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); /* wait until the transmit data buffer is empty */ while( SET != i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_TBE)); /* send the EEPROM's internal address to write to : only one byte address */ i2c_transmit_data(I2C0, write_address); /* wait until BTC bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_BTC)); /* while there is data to be written */ while(number_of_byte--){ i2c_transmit_data(I2C0, *p_buffer); /* point to the next byte to be written */ p_buffer++; /* wait until BTC bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_BTC)); } /* send a stop condition to I2C bus */ i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C0); /* wait until the stop condition is finished */ while(I2C_CTL0(I2C0)&0x0200); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | void Mi2c_RW_Start(BYTE CountByte,uint32_t i2c_periph,BYTE Channel) { //DEBUG(0x05); if((!i2c_flag_get(i2c_periph, I2C_I2CBSY)) && (Start_Flag[Channel] == 1)){ i2c_interrupt_enable(i2c_periph, I2C_CTL1_ERRIE | I2C_CTL1_BUFIE | I2C_CTL1_EVIE); I2C_nBytes[Channel] = CountByte; if(2 == I2C_nBytes[Channel]){ /* send ACK for the next byte */ i2c_ackpos_config(i2c_periph, I2C_ACKPOS_NEXT); } /* send a start condition to I2C bus */ i2c_start_on_bus(i2c_periph); Start_Flag[Channel] = 0; Start_Flag2[Channel] =0; } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | void Mi2c_RW_Data(BYTE Channel) { //DEBUG(0x16); if(1 == (M_tran_buffer[Channel][0]>>7)){//receiver Mi2c_read_data(Channel); }else{//transmitter //DEBUG(0x37); Mi2c_write_Data(Channel); } } |
1 2 3 4 | void I2C2_EV_IRQHandler(void) { Mi2c_RW_Data(2); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | void I2C2_ER_IRQHandler(void) { if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_AERR)){/* no acknowledge received */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_AERR); //ErrorFlag += 1; //ErrorDebug(2,ErrorFlag); OEM_Cheack_Error(2); } if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_SMBALT)){/* SMBus alert */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_SMBALT); } if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_SMBTO)){/* bus timeout in SMBus mode */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_SMBTO); } if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_OUERR)){/* over-run or under-run when SCL stretch is disabled */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_OUERR); } if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_LOSTARB)){/* arbitration lost */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_LOSTARB); } if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_BERR)){ /* bus error */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_BERR); } if(i2c_flag_get(I2C2, I2C_PECERR)){/* CRC value doesn't match */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C2, I2C_PECERR); } /* disable the error interrupt */ i2c_interrupt_disable(I2C2,I2C_CTL1_ERRIE | I2C_CTL1_BUFIE | I2C_CTL1_EVIE); } |
测试过程中发现会出现(I2C_AERR)NO ACK的报错,导致卡机,增加一个 NO ACk的处理函数,做一下清标志位
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | void OEM_Cheack_Error(BYTE Channel) { //检测从机没有ACK回应后处理 OEM_TRAN_Timer[Channel] = 0; i2c_stop_on_bus( Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); /* enable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACK_ENABLE); i2c_ackpos_config( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT); Start_Flag[Channel] = 1; Start_Flag2[Channel] = 0 } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | void Mi2c_write_Data(BYTE Channel) { //DEBUG(0X17); //第一部分发送从机地址和寄存器地址 if(Start_Flag2[Channel] == 0) { if(i2c_flag_get( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_SBSEND)) { /* send slave address to I2C bus */ i2c_master_addressing( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_tran_buffer[Channel][1], I2C_TRANSMITTER); } else if(i2c_flag_get( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ADDSEND)) { i2c_flag_clear( Channel_buffer[Channel][0],I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); } else if(i2c_flag_get( Channel_buffer[Channel][0] , I2C_TBE )) { /* send the register address to write to : only one byte address */ i2c_transmit_data( Channel_buffer[Channel][0],M_tran_buffer[Channel][2]); Start_Flag2[Channel] = 1; Write_count[Channel] = I2C_nBytes[Channel]; } } //写入数据 if(Start_Flag2[Channel] == 1) { //DEBUG(0X19); if(i2c_flag_get( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_BTC)) { if(I2C_nBytes[Channel]>0) { i2c_transmit_data( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_i2c_Txbuffer[Channel][Write_count[Channel] - I2C_nBytes[Channel]]); I2C_nBytes[Channel]--; } else if(0 == I2C_nBytes[Channel]) { OEM_TRAN_Timer[Channel] = 0; i2c_stop_on_bus( Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); /* enable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACK_ENABLE); i2c_ackpos_config( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT); Start_Flag[Channel] = 1; Start_Flag2[Channel] = 0; //DEBUG(0x85); i2c_interrupt_disable( Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_CTL1_ERRIE | I2C_CTL1_BUFIE | I2C_CTL1_EVIE); } } } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 | /*! \brief read data from the EEPROM \param[in] p_buffer: pointer to the buffer that receives the data read from the EEPROM \param[in] read_address: EEPROM's internal address to start reading from \param[in] number_of_byte: number of bytes to reads from the EEPROM \param[out] none \retval none */ void eeprom_buffer_read(uint8_t* p_buffer, uint8_t read_address, uint16_t number_of_byte) { /* wait until I2C bus is idle */ while(i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_I2CBSY)); if(2 == number_of_byte){ i2c_ackpos_config(I2C0,I2C_ACKPOS_NEXT); } /* send a start condition to I2C bus */ i2c_start_on_bus(I2C0); /* wait until SBSEND bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_SBSEND)); /* send slave address to I2C bus */ i2c_master_addressing(I2C0, eeprom_address, I2C_TRANSMITTER); /* wait until ADDSEND bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_ADDSEND)); /* clear the ADDSEND bit */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C0,I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); /* wait until the transmit data buffer is empty */ while(SET != i2c_flag_get( I2C0 , I2C_TBE )); /* enable I2C0*/ i2c_enable(I2C0); /* send the EEPROM's internal address to write to */ i2c_transmit_data(I2C0, read_address); /* wait until BTC bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_BTC)); /* send a start condition to I2C bus */ i2c_start_on_bus(I2C0); /* wait until SBSEND bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_SBSEND)); /* send slave address to I2C bus */ i2c_master_addressing(I2C0, eeprom_address, I2C_RECEIVER); if(number_of_byte < 3){ /* disable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config(I2C0,I2C_ACK_DISABLE); } /* wait until ADDSEND bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_ADDSEND)); /* clear the ADDSEND bit */ i2c_flag_clear(I2C0,I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); if(1 == number_of_byte){ /* send a stop condition to I2C bus */ i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C0); } /* while there is data to be read */ while(number_of_byte){ if(3 == number_of_byte){ /* wait until BTC bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_BTC)); /* disable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config(I2C0,I2C_ACK_DISABLE); } if(2 == number_of_byte){ /* wait until BTC bit is set */ while(!i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_BTC)); /* send a stop condition to I2C bus */ i2c_stop_on_bus(I2C0); } /* wait until the RBNE bit is set and clear it */ if(i2c_flag_get(I2C0, I2C_RBNE)){ /* read a byte from the EEPROM */ *p_buffer = i2c_receive_data(I2C0); /* point to the next location where the byte read will be saved */ p_buffer++; /* decrement the read bytes counter */ number_of_byte--; } } /* wait until the stop condition is finished */ while(I2C_CTL0(I2C0)&0x0200); /* enable acknowledge */ i2c_ack_config(I2C0,I2C_ACK_ENABLE); i2c_ackpos_config(I2C0,I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 | void Mi2c_read_data(BYTE Channel) { //ErrorDebug(Channel,0x12); //第一部分发送从机地址和寄存器地址 if(Start_Flag2[Channel] == 0) { if(i2c_flag_get(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_SBSEND)) { /* send slave address to I2C bus */ i2c_master_addressing(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_tran_buffer[Channel][1], I2C_TRANSMITTER); } else if(i2c_flag_get(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ADDSEND)) { /* clear the ADDSEND bit */ i2c_flag_clear(Channel_buffer[Channel][0],I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); } else if(i2c_flag_get( Channel_buffer[Channel][0] , I2C_TBE )) { i2c_enable(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); /* send the register address to write to : only one byte address */ i2c_transmit_data(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_tran_buffer[Channel][2]); Start_Flag2[Channel] = 1; } } //需要转换模式,所以重新启动IIC到接收模式 if(Start_Flag2[Channel] == 1) { if(i2c_flag_get(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_BTC)) { //DEBUG(0x74); i2c_start_on_bus(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); Start_Flag2[Channel] = 2; } } //第二部分接收数据 if(Start_Flag2[Channel] == 2) { if(i2c_flag_get(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_SBSEND)) { /* the master sends slave address */ i2c_master_addressing(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_tran_buffer[Channel][1], I2C_RECEIVER); } else if(i2c_flag_get(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ADDSEND)) { if(I2C_nBytes[Channel] < 3) { /* clear the ACKEN before the ADDSEND is cleared */ i2c_ack_config(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACK_DISABLE); /* clear the ADDSEND bit */ i2c_flag_clear(Channel_buffer[Channel][0],I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); } else { /* clear the ADDSEND bit */ i2c_flag_clear(Channel_buffer[Channel][0],I2C_STAT0_ADDSEND); } if(1 == I2C_nBytes[Channel]) { i2c_stop_on_bus(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); } Read_count[Channel] = I2C_nBytes[Channel]; } else if(i2c_flag_get(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_RBNE)) { //DEBUG(0x83); if(I2C_nBytes[Channel]>0){ // if(3 == I2C_nBytes[Channel]){ // i2c_ack_config(Channel_buffer[Channel][0],I2C_ACK_DISABLE); // } if(I2C_nBytes[Channel] == 2) { i2c_ack_config(Channel_buffer[Channel][0],I2C_ACK_DISABLE); i2c_stop_on_bus(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); } /* read a data byte from I2C_DATA*/ M_i2c_Rxbuffer[Channel][Read_count[Channel]-I2C_nBytes[Channel]] = i2c_receive_data(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); I2C_nBytes[Channel]--; if(0 == I2C_nBytes[Channel]) { OEM_TRAN_Timer[Channel] = 0; i2c_stop_on_bus(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]); i2c_ack_config(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACK_ENABLE); i2c_ackpos_config(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_ACKPOS_CURRENT); Start_Flag[Channel] = 1; Start_Flag2[Channel] = 0; //DEBUG(0x85); i2c_interrupt_disable(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], I2C_CTL1_ERRIE | I2C_CTL1_BUFIE | I2C_CTL1_EVIE); } } } } } |
1 | i2c_master_addressing(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_tran_buffer[Channel][1], I2C_TRANSMITTER); |
1 | i2c_master_addressing(Channel_buffer[Channel][0], M_tran_buffer[Channel][1], I2C_RECEIVER); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | void SMB_wrWORD(BYTE Channel, BYTE SMB_SLAVE, BYTE SMB_COMMAND, WORD wData, BYTE RETRY_CNT) { /* SMB_SLAVE: Slave address. RETRY_CNT: Number of times to attempt an SMBus transfer. Must be >= 1 and <= 3. The RETRY_CNT is not the number of retries but is the number of SMBus transfer attempts. FLAG == TRUE -> SMBus write word is ok. == FALSE -> SMBus write word failed. */ Channel_buffer[Channel][0] = Channel_Select(Channel); M_tran_buffer[Channel][0] = SMB_WRITE_WORD; /* Protocol byte. */ M_tran_buffer[Channel][1] = SMB_SLAVE & ~0x01; /* Address and read/write = 0 for write. */ M_tran_buffer[Channel][2] = SMB_COMMAND; /* SMBus command. */ M_i2c_Txbuffer[Channel][0] = (BYTE) (wData & 0xFF); M_i2c_Txbuffer[Channel][1] = (BYTE) ((wData >> 8) & 0xFF); // /* Number of attempts for SMBus transfer. */ // attempts[Channel] = RETRY_CNT; I2C_SADDR0(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]) |= M_tran_buffer[Channel][1]; /* Set the timer to start the SMBus transfer. */ OEM_TRAN_Timer[Channel] = START; Mi2c_RW_Start((M_tran_buffer[Channel][0]&0x03),Channel_buffer[Channel][0],Channel); } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | void SMB_rdWORD(BYTE Channel, BYTE SMB_SLAVE, BYTE SMB_COMMAND, BYTE RETRY_CNT) { //DEBUG(0x15); /* SMB_SLAVE: Slave address. RETRY_CNT: Number of times to attempt an SMBus transfer. Must be >= 1 and <= 3. The RETRY_CNT is not the number of retries but is the number of SMBus transfer attempts. */ Channel_buffer[Channel][0] = Channel_Select(Channel); M_tran_buffer[Channel][0] = SMB_READ_WORD; /* Protocol byte. */ M_tran_buffer[Channel][1] = SMB_SLAVE; /* Address and read/write = 0 for write. */ M_tran_buffer[Channel][2] = SMB_COMMAND; /* SMBus command. */ // /* Number of attempts for SMBus transfer. */ // attempts[Channel] = RETRY_CNT; I2C_SADDR0(Channel_buffer[Channel][0]) |= M_tran_buffer[Channel][1]; /* Set the timer to start the SMBus transfer. */ OEM_TRAN_Timer[Channel] = START; Mi2c_RW_Start((M_tran_buffer[Channel][0]&0x03),Channel_buffer[Channel][0],Channel); } |