在使用ElmerGui过程中发现程序还不是很稳定,处理有些网格模型会出错自动关闭程序,上图中总结的流程是笔者自己测试后得出的比较靠谱的方法,主要是用gmsh生成网格后导出inp(推荐)或者unv格式,然后再用ElmerGrid进行转化,当然,对于简单的模型(例如单实体)也可以尝试直接使用ElmerGui打开inp、unv、step文件(简单的可以直接打开step文件,但稍微复杂点ElmerGui程序在生成网格的时候就崩了),总之如果直接导入不行的话就自己经过前面的步骤手动转化为适合elmer solver处理的*.mesh.*格式模型文件。
Q:为什么不使用FreeCAD FEM工作台得到的网格文件?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | Starting program Elmergrid ****************** Elmergrid ************************ This program can create simple 2D structured meshes consisting of linear, quadratic or cubic rectangles or triangles. The meshes may also be extruded and revolved to create 3D forms. In addition many mesh formats may be imported into Elmer software. Some options have not been properly tested. Contact the author if you face problems. The program has two operation modes A) Command file mode which has the command file as the only argument 'ElmerGrid commandfile.eg' B) Inline mode which expects at least three input parameters 'ElmerGrid 1 3 test' The first parameter defines the input file format: 1) .grd : Elmergrid file format 2) .mesh.* : Elmer input format 3) .ep : Elmer output format 4) .ansys : Ansys input format 5) .inp : Abaqus input format by Ideas 6) .fil : Abaqus output format 7) .FDNEUT : Gambit (Fidap) neutral file 8) .unv : Universal mesh file format 9) .mphtxt : Comsol Multiphysics mesh format 10) .dat : Fieldview format 11) .node,.ele: Triangle 2D mesh format 12) .mesh : Medit mesh format 13) .msh : GID mesh format 14) .msh : Gmsh mesh format 15) .ep.i : Partitioned ElmerPost format 16) .2dm : 2D triangular FVCOM format The second parameter defines the output file format: 1) .grd : ElmerGrid file format 2) .mesh.* : ElmerSolver format (also partitioned .part format) 3) .ep : ElmerPost format 4) .msh : Gmsh mesh format 5) .vtu : VTK ascii XML format The third parameter is the name of the input file. If the file does not exist, an example with the same name is created. The default output file name is the same with a different suffix. ... |