
YouTube Music app on an Android handset
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

YouTube Music Premium subscribers have the option to adjust the audio streaming quality on their mobile devices and on their computers. As everything is set to “Normal” by default, you’ll want to increase the quality, especially while listening at home.

YouTube Music Premium订户可以选择在移动设备和计算机上调整音频流质量。 由于默认情况下所有设置都设为“普通”,因此您将希望提高音质,尤其是在家中收听时。

Before we get started, let’s talk about YouTube Music’s streaming quality options. As laid out on a Google support page, you can choose from Low, Normal, High, and Always High. The default option, Normal, has an upper bound of 128 kbps AAC. Switching to High moves you to an upper bound of 256 kbps AAC.

在开始之前,让我们先谈谈YouTube音乐的流媒体质量选项。 如在Google支持页面上所示,您可以从“低”,“正常”,“高”和“始终高”中进行选择。 默认选项“正常”的上限为128 kbps AAC。 切换到“高”可将您移至256 kbps AAC的上限。

If you’re not worried about a data limit, we recommend choosing High as it improves the quality of your streaming service. But if you have a small data cap, you can always limit the quality on mobile networks and increase the quality while on Wi-Fi.

如果您不担心数据限制,建议您选择“高”,因为它可以提高流媒体服务的质量。 但是,如果您的数据上限较小,则始终可以限制移动网络的质量,并在使用Wi-Fi时提高质量。

One more thing; changing the audio quality on you smartphone won’t adjust the sound setting on your computer (and vice versa). You will need to go into YouTube Music’s Settings menu on all of your devices to configure your desired streaming quality.

还有一件事; 更改智能手机上的音频质量不会调整计算机上的声音设置(反之亦然)。 您将需要在所有设备上进入YouTube音乐的“设置”菜单,以配置所需的流式传输质量。

在Android上打开高质量流 (Turn on High-Quality Streaming on Android)

Start by downloading and then opening the YouTube Music app on your Android device. From the home page, tap on your avatar in the top-right corner.

首先下载并在Android设备上打开YouTube音乐应用。 在主页上,点击右上角的头像。

Select your avatar in the top-right corner

Next, select the “Settings” button.


Tap the

Choose the “Audio Quality On Mobile Network” or “Audio Quality On Wi-Fi” option.

选择“移动网络上的音频质量”或“ Wi-Fi上的音频质量”选项。

Choose either the

Finally, select the streaming quality option that you want to use on your Android handset.


Select the

Choose “Always High” if you want to force the highest quality stream, even when your connection is poor.


在iPhone和iPad上打开高质量流 (Turn on High-Quality Streaming on iPhone and iPad)

The process for changing the streaming music quality on iPhone and iPad is slightly different than on Android. Oddly enough, Google included an additional Settings page you’ll have to tap through.

在iPhone和iPad上更改流音乐质量的过程与在Android上稍有不同。 奇怪的是,Google还提供了一个额外的“设置”页面,您必须点击该页面。

Start by downloading YouTube Music from the Apple App Store and opening it on your iPhone or iPad. From there, select your profile picture in the top-right corner of the app.

首先从Apple App Store下载YouTube音乐,然后在iPhone或iPad上打开它。 从那里,在应用程序的右上角选择您的个人资料照片。

Tap your avatar photo in the top-right corner

Next, tap the “Settings” button.


Select the

Now, select the “Playback & Restrictions” option.


Tap the

You can now choose to adjust the “Audio Quality On Mobile Network” or “Audio Quality On Wi-Fi.”

您现在可以选择调整“移动网络上的音频质量”或“ Wi-Fi上的音频质量”。


Select your desired setting.


Select the

As with on Android, choosing “Always High” forces the best streaming quality even when your iPhone’s or iPad’s network quality isn’t strong.


打开计算机上的高质量流 (Turn on High-Quality Streaming on Your Computer)

Changing your audio quality setting is a much more simple and streamlined experience on your computer. Start by visiting YouTube Music’s website in your browser of choice (and signing into your Google account associated with your subscription if necessary).

更改音频质量设置是在计算机上更简单,更流畅的体验。 首先使用您选择的浏览器访问YouTube音乐网站(并在必要时登录与您的订阅相关联的Google帐户)。

Next, click on your avatar in the top-right corner of the window and then select “Settings.”


Click your profile image and then select the

Click the “Audio” tab from the pop-up window and then select the drop-down menu found to the right of the “Audio Quality” listing.


Click the

Finally, click the “High” option to get the best music streaming experience available.


Select the

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/676941/how-to-enable-high-quality-audio-streaming-in-youtube-music/