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- Flash Programming
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参考 Flash_Programming_1 for KIT_AURIX_TC397_TFT, 本例展示了如何烧写
- 数据存储单元(
DMU , Data Memory Unit)控制执行在PFLASH和DFLASH上的命令序列, 连接FSI (Flash Standard Interface)和PFI (Programming Flash Interface). - FSI在所有闪存上执行擦除, 编程和验证操作.
- PFI为每个PFLASH块与CPU提供唯一的点对点快速连接
- TC39x 提供 6 Program Flash Banks(PFx) 和 2 Data Flash Banks(DFx)
- TC3xx 具有相同扇区结构的PFLASH块PFx, PFx块大小可能不用: 3/2/1 Mbyte Program Flash Bank
- TC39x 有5个3MB大小的PFx(PF0…PF4) 和 1个1MB大小的PF5. 每个PFx被划分为1024KB大小的物理扇区(Physical Sectors), 每个物理扇区又被划分为16KB大小的逻辑扇区(Logical Sectors)
- TC39x具有两个数据闪存存储区DFLASH0和DFLASH1, 两者都包括多个通常用于EEPROM仿真的EEPROM扇区. 仅DFLASH0包含用于数据保护的用户配置块(UCBs, User Configuration Blocks)和1个配置扇区(CFS, Configuration Sector), 用户无法直接访问该配置扇区.
- DFLASH EEPROM可以配置为单端模式(默认)或补码检测(incomplement sensing). 根据所选模式, 每个扇区的大小分别设置为4KB和2KB
- 闪存中可以编程的最小数据量是页(Page), 程序闪存(Program Flash)页由32字节组成, 数据闪存(Data Flash)页由8字节组成
- 仅在擦除操作后才能对页面进行编程
- 可以执行擦除操作的最小单元是逻辑扇区(Logical Sector)
TC39x Program Flash Memeory:
TC39x Data Flash memory:
所有闪存操作均通过命令序列执行, DMU具有命令序列解释器(CSI, Command Sequence Interpreter)来处理命令序列, 用于对程序闪存或数据闪存进行编程的最小命令序列如下:
- 擦除逻辑扇区待编程
- 等待直到闪存就绪(不忙)
- 进入页面模式
- 等待直到闪存就绪(不忙)
- 加载要写入页面的数据
- 写页面
- 等待直到闪存内存已准备就绪(不忙)
Address Range | Size | Description | Read | Write |
A000 0000H - A02F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 0 (PF0) | Access | SRIBE |
A030 0000H - A05F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 1 (PF1) | Access | SRIBE |
A060 0000H - A08F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 2 (PF2) | Access | SRIBE |
A090 0000H - A0BF FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 3 (PF3) | Access | SRIBE |
A0C0 0000H - A0EF FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Program Flash 4 (PF4) | Access | SRIBE |
A0F0 0000H - A0FF FFFFH | 1 Mbyte | Program Flash 5 (PF5) | Access | SRIBE |
Address Range | Size | Description | Read | Write |
AF00 0000H - AF0F FFFFH | 1 Mbyte | Data Flash 0 EEPROM (DF0) Host Comd. Sequence Interpreter | Access | Access 1) |
AF10 0000H - AF3F FFFFH | 3 Mbyte | Reserved | SRIBE | SRIBE |
AF40 0000H - AF40 5FFFH | 24 Kbyte | Data Flash 0 UCB (DF0) | Access | SRIBE |
AF40 6000H - AF7F FFFFH | - | Reserved | SRIBE | SRIBE |
AF80 0000H - AF80 FFFFH | 64 Kbyte | Data Flash 0 CFS (DF0) | Access | SRIBE |
AF81 0000H - AFBF FFFFH | - | Reserved | SRIBE | SRIBE |
AFC0 0000H - AFC1 FFFFH | 128 Kbyte | Data Flash 1 EEPROM (DF1) HSM Comd. Sequence Interpreter | Access | Access 2) |
- Host Command Sequence Interpreter(主机命令序列解释器)
- HSM Command Sequence Interpreter(HSM命令序列解释器)
Flash Programming
直接搬运官方的例程来看, 此例中, 程序闪存(PFLASH)的64个字节随后被烧写并验证. 此外, 烧写并验证了64字节的数据闪存(DFLASH). 在进行任何写操作之前, 将擦除闪存, 如果闪存烧写并验证成功, 则将打开每个测试内存的LED.
闪存中可以编程的最小数据量是页(Page), 程序闪存(Program Flash)页由32字节组成, 数据闪存(Data Flash)页由8字节组成, 所以64字节对应PFLASH的2页, DFLASH的8页.
Cpu0_Main.c 代码如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 | #include "Ifx_Types.h" #include "IfxCpu.h" #include "IfxScuWdt.h" IFX_ALIGN(4) IfxCpu_syncEvent g_cpuSyncEvent = 0; #include <string.h> #include "Ifx_Types.h" #include "IfxFlash.h" #include "IfxCpu.h" void initLEDs(void); /* Function that initializes the LEDs */ void writeProgramFlash(void); /* Function that flashes the Program Flash memory calling the routines from the PSPR*/ void writeDataFlash(void); /* Function that flashes the Data Flash memory */ void verifyProgramFlash(void); /* Function that verifies the data written in the Program Flash memory */ void verifyDataFlash(void); /* Function that verifies the data written in the Data Flash memory */ #define PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH IFXFLASH_PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH /* 0x20 = 32 Bytes (smallest unit that can be * programmed in the Program Flash memory (PFLASH)) */ #define DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH IFXFLASH_DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH /* 0x8 = 8 Bytes (smallest unit that can be * programmed in the Data Flash memory (DFLASH)) */ #define FLASH_MODULE 0 /* Macro to select the flash (PMU) module */ #define PROGRAM_FLASH_0 IfxFlash_FlashType_P0 /* Define the Program Flash Bank to be used */ #define DATA_FLASH_0 IfxFlash_FlashType_D0 /* Define the Data Flash Bank to be used */ #define DATA_TO_WRITE 0x07738135 /* Dummy data to be written into the Flash memories */ #define PFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS 0xA00E0000 /* Address of the PFLASH where the data is written */ #define DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS 0xAF000000 /* Address of the DFLASH where the data is written */ #define PFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH 2 /* Number of pages to flash in the PFLASH */ #define PFLASH_NUM_SECTORS 1 /* Number of PFLASH sectors to be erased */ #define DFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH 8 /* Number of pages to flash in the DFLASH */ #define DFLASH_NUM_SECTORS 1 /* Number of DFLASH sectors to be erased */ /* Reserved space for erase and program routines in bytes */ #define ERASESECTOR_LEN (100) #define WAITUNBUSY_LEN (100) #define ENTERPAGEMODE_LEN (100) #define LOADPAGE2X32_LEN (100) #define WRITEPAGE_LEN (100) #define ERASEPFLASH_LEN (0x100) #define WRITEPFLASH_LEN (0x200) /* Relocation address for the erase and program routines: Program Scratch-Pad SRAM (PSPR) of CPU0 */ #define RELOCATION_START_ADDR (0x70100000U) /* Definition of the addresses where to relocate the erase and program routines, given their reserved space */ #define ERASESECTOR_ADDR (RELOCATION_START_ADDR) #define WAITUNBUSY_ADDR (ERASESECTOR_ADDR + ERASESECTOR_LEN) #define ENTERPAGEMODE_ADDR (WAITUNBUSY_ADDR + WAITUNBUSY_LEN) #define LOAD2X32_ADDR (ENTERPAGEMODE_ADDR + ENTERPAGEMODE_LEN) #define WRITEPAGE_ADDR (LOAD2X32_ADDR + LOADPAGE2X32_LEN) #define ERASEPFLASH_ADDR (WRITEPAGE_ADDR + WRITEPAGE_LEN) #define WRITEPFLASH_ADDR (ERASEPFLASH_ADDR + ERASEPFLASH_LEN) /* Definition of the LEDs port pins */ #define LED1 &MODULE_P13,0 /* LED connected to Port 13, Pin 0 */ #define LED2 &MODULE_P13,1 /* LED connected to Port 13, Pin 1 */ #define MEM(address) *((uint32 *)(address)) /* Macro to simplify the access to a memory address */ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*------------------------------------------------Function Prototypes------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ void erasePFLASH(uint32 sectorAddr); void writePFLASH(uint32 startingAddr); void copyFunctionsToPSPR(void); typedef struct {<!-- --> void (*eraseSectors)(uint32 sectorAddr, uint32 numSector); uint8 (*waitUnbusy)(uint32 flash, IfxFlash_FlashType flashType); uint8 (*enterPageMode)(uint32 pageAddr); void (*load2X32bits)(uint32 pageAddr, uint32 wordL, uint32 wordU); void (*writePage)(uint32 pageAddr); void (*eraseFlash)(uint32 sectorAddr); void (*writeFlash)(uint32 startingAddr); } Function; /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*-------------------------------------------------Global variables--------------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ Function g_commandFromPSPR; /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------Function Implementations----------------------------------------------*/ /*********************************************************************************************************************/ /* Function to initialize the LEDs */ void initLEDs() {<!-- --> /* Configure LED1 and LED2 port pins */ IfxPort_setPinMode(LED1, IfxPort_Mode_outputPushPullGeneral); IfxPort_setPinMode(LED2, IfxPort_Mode_outputPushPullGeneral); /* Turn off the LEDs (LEDs are low-level active) */ IfxPort_setPinState(LED1, IfxPort_State_high); IfxPort_setPinState(LED2, IfxPort_State_high); } /* This function copies the erase and program routines to the Program Scratch-Pad SRAM (PSPR) of the CPU0 and assigns * function pointers to them. */ void copyFunctionsToPSPR() {<!-- --> /* Copy the IfxFlash_eraseMultipleSectors() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)ERASESECTOR_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_eraseMultipleSectors, ERASESECTOR_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.eraseSectors = (void *)ERASESECTOR_ADDR; /* Copy the IfxFlash_waitUnbusy() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)WAITUNBUSY_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_waitUnbusy, WAITUNBUSY_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy = (void *)WAITUNBUSY_ADDR; /* Copy the IfxFlash_enterPageMode() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)ENTERPAGEMODE_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_enterPageMode, ENTERPAGEMODE_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.enterPageMode = (void *)ENTERPAGEMODE_ADDR; /* Copy the IfxFlash_loadPage2X32() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)LOAD2X32_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_loadPage2X32, LOADPAGE2X32_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.load2X32bits = (void *)LOAD2X32_ADDR; /* Copy the IfxFlash_writePage() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)WRITEPAGE_ADDR, (const void *)IfxFlash_writePage, WRITEPAGE_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.writePage = (void *)WRITEPAGE_ADDR; /* Copy the erasePFLASH() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)ERASEPFLASH_ADDR, (const void *)erasePFLASH, ERASEPFLASH_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.eraseFlash = (void *)ERASEPFLASH_ADDR; /* Copy the erasePFLASH() routine and assign it to a function pointer */ memcpy((void *)WRITEPFLASH_ADDR, (const void *)writePFLASH, WRITEPFLASH_LEN); g_commandFromPSPR.writeFlash = (void *)WRITEPFLASH_ADDR; } /* This function erases a given sector of the Program Flash memory. The function is copied in the PSPR through * copyFunctionsToPSPR(). Because of this, inside the function, only routines from the PSPR or inline functions * can be called, otherwise a Context Type (CTYP) trap can be triggered. */ void erasePFLASH(uint32 sectorAddr) {<!-- --> /* Get the current password of the Safety WatchDog module */ uint16 endInitSafetyPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline(); /* Erase the sector */ IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */ g_commandFromPSPR.eraseSectors(sectorAddr, PFLASH_NUM_SECTORS); /* Erase the given sector */ IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */ /* Wait until the sector is erased */ g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, PROGRAM_FLASH_0); } /* This function writes the Program Flash memory. The function is copied in the PSPR through copyFunctionsToPSPR(). * Because of this, inside the function, only routines from the PSPR or inline functions can be called, * otherwise a Context Type (CTYP) trap can be triggered. */ void writePFLASH(uint32 startingAddr) {<!-- --> uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */ uint32 offset; /* Variable to cycle over all the words in a page */ /* Get the current password of the Safety WatchDog module */ uint16 endInitSafetyPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPasswordInline(); /* Write all the pages */ for(page = 0; page < PFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */ {<!-- --> uint32 pageAddr = startingAddr + (page * PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */ /* Enter in page mode */ g_commandFromPSPR.enterPageMode(pageAddr); /* Wait until page mode is entered */ g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, PROGRAM_FLASH_0); /* Write 32 bytes (8 double words) into the assembly buffer */ for(offset = 0; offset < PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH; offset += 0x8) /* Loop over the page length */ {<!-- --> g_commandFromPSPR.load2X32bits(pageAddr, DATA_TO_WRITE, DATA_TO_WRITE); /* Load 2 words of 32 bits each */ } /* Write the page */ IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */ g_commandFromPSPR.writePage(pageAddr); /* Write the page */ IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinitInline(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */ /* Wait until the page is written in the Program Flash memory */ g_commandFromPSPR.waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, PROGRAM_FLASH_0); } } /* This function flashes the Program Flash memory calling the routines from the PSPR */ void writeProgramFlash() {<!-- --> boolean interruptState = IfxCpu_disableInterrupts(); /* Get the current state of the interrupts and disable them*/ /* Copy all the needed functions to the PSPR memory to avoid overwriting them during the flash execution */ copyFunctionsToPSPR(); /* Erase the Program Flash sector before writing */ g_commandFromPSPR.eraseFlash(PFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS); /* Write the Program Flash */ g_commandFromPSPR.writeFlash(PFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS); IfxCpu_restoreInterrupts(interruptState); /* Restore the interrupts state */ } /* This function verifies if the data has been correctly written in the Program Flash */ void verifyProgramFlash() {<!-- --> uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */ uint32 offset; /* Variable to cycle over all the words in a page */ uint32 errors = 0; /* Variable to keep record of the errors */ /* Verify the written data */ for(page = 0; page < PFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */ {<!-- --> uint32 pageAddr = PFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS + (page * PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */ for(offset = 0; offset < PFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH; offset += 0x4) /* Loop over the page length */ {<!-- --> /* Check if the data in the Program Flash is correct */ if(MEM(pageAddr + offset) != DATA_TO_WRITE) {<!-- --> /* If not, count the found errors */ errors++; } } } /* If the data is correct, turn on the LED1 */ if(errors == 0) {<!-- --> IfxPort_setPinState(LED1, IfxPort_State_low); } } /* This function flashes the Data Flash memory. * It is not needed to run this function from the PSPR, thus functions from the Program Flash memory can be called * inside. */ void writeDataFlash() {<!-- --> uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */ /* --------------- ERASE PROCESS --------------- */ /* Get the current password of the Safety WatchDog module */ uint16 endInitSafetyPassword = IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword(); /* Erase the sector */ IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */ IfxFlash_eraseMultipleSectors(DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS, DFLASH_NUM_SECTORS); /* Erase the given sector */ IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */ /* Wait until the sector is erased */ IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, DATA_FLASH_0); /* --------------- WRITE PROCESS --------------- */ for(page = 0; page < DFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */ {<!-- --> uint32 pageAddr = DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS + (page * DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */ /* Enter in page mode */ IfxFlash_enterPageMode(pageAddr); /* Wait until page mode is entered */ IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, DATA_FLASH_0); /* Load data to be written in the page */ IfxFlash_loadPage2X32(pageAddr, DATA_TO_WRITE, DATA_TO_WRITE); /* Load two words of 32 bits each */ /* Write the loaded page */ IfxScuWdt_clearSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Disable EndInit protection */ IfxFlash_writePage(pageAddr); /* Write the page */ IfxScuWdt_setSafetyEndinit(endInitSafetyPassword); /* Enable EndInit protection */ /* Wait until the data is written in the Data Flash memory */ IfxFlash_waitUnbusy(FLASH_MODULE, DATA_FLASH_0); } } /* This function verifies if the data has been correctly written in the Data Flash */ void verifyDataFlash() {<!-- --> uint32 page; /* Variable to cycle over all the pages */ uint32 offset; /* Variable to cycle over all the words in a page */ uint32 errors = 0; /* Variable to keep record of the errors */ /* Verify the written data */ for(page = 0; page < DFLASH_NUM_PAGE_TO_FLASH; page++) /* Loop over all the pages */ {<!-- --> uint32 pageAddr = DFLASH_STARTING_ADDRESS + (page * DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH); /* Get the address of the page */ for(offset = 0; offset < DFLASH_PAGE_LENGTH; offset += 0x4) /* Loop over the page length */ {<!-- --> /* Check if the data in the Data Flash is correct */ if(MEM(pageAddr + offset) != DATA_TO_WRITE) {<!-- --> /* If not, count the found errors */ errors++; } } } /* If the data is correct, turn on the LED2 */ if(errors == 0) {<!-- --> IfxPort_setPinState(LED2, IfxPort_State_low); } } void core0_main(void) {<!-- --> IfxCpu_enableInterrupts(); /* !!WATCHDOG0 AND SAFETY WATCHDOG ARE DISABLED HERE!! * Enable the watchdogs and service them periodically if it is required */ IfxScuWdt_disableCpuWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getCpuWatchdogPassword()); IfxScuWdt_disableSafetyWatchdog(IfxScuWdt_getSafetyWatchdogPassword()); /* Wait for CPU sync event */ IfxCpu_emitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent); IfxCpu_waitEvent(&g_cpuSyncEvent, 1); /* Initialize the LEDs */ initLEDs(); /* Flash the Program Flash memory and verify the written data */ writeProgramFlash(); verifyProgramFlash(); /* Flash the Data Flash memory and verify the written data */ writeDataFlash(); verifyDataFlash(); while(1) {<!-- --> } } |
编译运行程序, 两个LED亮表示Flash操作成功.
调试运行, Memory窗口中, 添加地址
同理, DFLASH查看地址
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