Constraint Programming with python-constraint
范式是指事物的"示例"或"模式"。 编程范例通常被描述为"思维方式"或"编程方式"。 最常见的示例包括过程编程(例如C),面向对象的编程(例如Java)和函数式编程(例如Haskell)。
简单地说,命令式编程是基于开发人员描述实现目标(某种结果)的解决方案/算法的。 这是通过逐步执行指令的同时通过赋值语句更改程序状态来实现的。 因此,在编写指令的顺序上有很大的不同。
声明式编程则相反-我们不编写有关如何实现目标的步骤,我们不描述目标,而计算机为我们提供了解决方案。 您应该熟悉的一个常见示例是SQL。 您是否告诉计算机如何为您提供所需的结果? 不,您描述了您需要的内容-您需要满足某些条件的某个列,某个表中的值。
1 | $ pip install python-constraint |
如前所述,约束编程是声明性编程的一种形式。 语句的顺序无关紧要,只要最后一切都存在即可。 通常用于解决如下问题:
1 | Find all (x,y) where x ∈ {1,2,3} and 0 <= y < 10, and x + y >= 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | import constraint problem = constraint.Problem() problem.addVariable('x', [1,2,3]) problem.addVariable('y', range(10)) def our_constraint(x, y): if x + y >= 5: return True problem.addConstraint(our_constraint, ['x','y']) solutions = problem.getSolutions() # Easier way to print and see all solutions # for solution in solutions: # print(solution) # Prettier way to print and see all solutions length = len(solutions) print("(x,y) ∈ {", end="") for index, solution in enumerate(solutions): if index == length - 1: print("({},{})".format(solution['x'], solution['y']), end="") else: print("({},{}),".format(solution['x'], solution['y']), end="") print("}") |
1 | (x,y) ∈ {(3,9),(3,8),(3,7),(3,6),(3,5),(3,4),(3,3),(3,2),(2,9),(2,8),(2,7),(2,6),(2,5),(2,4),(2,3),(1,9),(1,8),(1,7),(1,6),(1,5),(1,4)} |
让我们逐步介绍该程序。 我们有两个变量,
1 | I'm adding a variable x that can only have values [1,2,3], and a variable y that can only have values [0,1,2,..,9] |
1 | addConstraint(which_constraint, list_of_variable_order) |
1 | problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint()) |
您可以在此处找到所有内置约束的列表。 这几乎是您能够执行此类型任务所需的所有知识。
这是一种有趣的问题约束编程,称为密码算术难题。 在以下形式的算术难题中,每个字符代表一个不同的数字(前导字符不能为0):
1 | TWO + TWO = FOUR |
考虑一下如何使用常规Python解决此问题。 实际上,我鼓励您查找使用命令式编程的问题的解决方案。
请记住," T"和" F"不能为零,因为它们是前导字符,即数字中的第一个数字。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | import constraint problem = constraint.Problem() # We're using .addVariables() this time since we're adding # multiple variables that have the same interval. # Since Strings are arrays of characters we can write #"TF" instead of ['T','F']. problem.addVariables("TF", range(1, 10)) problem.addVariables("WOUR", range(10)) # Telling Python that we need TWO + TWO = FOUR def sum_constraint(t, w, o, f, u, r): if 2*(t*100 + w*10 + o) == f*1000 + o*100 + u*10 + r: return True # Adding our custom constraint. The # order of variables is important! problem.addConstraint(sum_constraint,"TWOFUR") # All the characters must represent different digits, # there's a built-in constraint for that problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint()) solutions = problem.getSolutions() print("Number of solutions found: {} ".format(len(solutions))) # .getSolutions() returns a dictionary for s in solutions: print("T = {}, W = {}, O = {}, F = {}, U = {}, R = {}" .format(s['T'], s['W'], s['O'], s['F'], s['U'], s['R'])) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | Number of solutions found: 7 T = 7, W = 6, O = 5, F = 1, U = 3, R = 0 T = 7, W = 3, O = 4, F = 1, U = 6, R = 8 T = 8, W = 6, O = 7, F = 1, U = 3, R = 4 T = 8, W = 4, O = 6, F = 1, U = 9, R = 2 T = 8, W = 3, O = 6, F = 1, U = 7, R = 2 T = 9, W = 2, O = 8, F = 1, U = 5, R = 6 T = 9, W = 3, O = 8, F = 1, U = 7, R = 6 |
1 2 3 | You recently got a job as a cashier. You're trying to convince your friend that it's hard work, there are just SO many ways to give someone their change back! Your"friend" shakes his head, obviously not believing you. He says"It can't be that bad. How many ways can there POSSIBLY be to give someone their change back, for like 60 cents?". Your response is, of course, to sit and quickly write a program that would prove your point. You have a decent amount of pennies (1 cent), nickels (5 cents), dimes (10 cents) and quarters (25 cents), and a lot of kinda suspicious coins worth 3 cents each. Calculate in how many ways you can return change for 60 cents. |
注意:打印结果的顺序不一定与我们添加变量的顺序相同。 也就是说,如果结果为(
因此,我们应该显式打印变量及其值。 这样的结果之一是,我们无法使用内置的
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | import constraint problem = constraint.Problem() # The maximum amount of each coin type can't be more than 60 # (coin_value*num_of_coints) <= 60 problem.addVariable("1 cent", range(61)) problem.addVariable("3 cent", range(21)) problem.addVariable("5 cent", range(13)) problem.addVariable("10 cent", range(7)) problem.addVariable("20 cent", range(4)) problem.addConstraint( constraint.ExactSumConstraint(60,[1,3,5,10,20]), ["1 cent","3 cent","5 cent","10 cent","20 cent"] ) # Where we explicitly give the order in which the weights should be allocated # We could've used a custom constraint instead, BUT in this case the program will # run slightly slower - this is because built-in functions are optimized and # they find the solution more quickly # def custom_constraint(a, b, c, d, e): # if a + 3*b + 5*c + 10*d + 20*e == 60: # return True # problem.addConstraint(o, ["1 cent","3 cent","5 cent","10 cent","20 cent"]) # A function that prints out the amount of each coin # in every acceptable combination def print_solutions(solutions): for s in sols: print("---") print(""" 1 cent: {0:d} 3 cent: {1:d} 5 cent: {2:d} 10 cent: {3:d} 20 cent: {4:d}""".format(s["1 cent"], s["3 cent"], s["5 cent"], s["10 cent"], s["20 cent"])) # If we wanted to we could check whether the sum was really 60 # print("Total:", s["1 cent"] + s["3 cent"]*3 + s["5 cent"]*5 + s["10 cent"]*10 + s["20 cent"]*20) # print("---") solutions = problem.getSolutions() #print_solutions(solutions) print("Total number of ways: {}".format(len(solutions))) |
1 | Total number of ways: 535 |
使用约束时,示例B和D几乎相同,只是上下几个变量,更冗长的约束。 关于约束编程,这是一件好事-良好的可伸缩性,至少在花费时间进行编码时如此。 这个难题只有一个解决方案,它是A = 3 B = 7 C = 8 E = 2 H = 6 K = 0 O = 1 R = 5 S = 9 T = 4。
我们可以计算出覆盖某个区域的最小广播电台数量,或者找出如何设置交通信号灯以使交通流量最佳。 一般而言-在存在很多可能组合的地方使用约束。
1 2 3 4 5 | You wish to pack chocolates for your mother. Luckily you work in a chocolate factory that has a lot of leftover chocolate. You have a few chocolate types at your disposal. Your goal is to bring her the sweetest chocolate possible, that you can pack in your bag and sneak through security, and that wouldn't pass a certain net value for which you'd go to prison if you got caught. Security most likely won't get suspicious if you bring less than 3kg. You can fit 1 dm^3 of chocolate in your bag. You won't go to jail if you steal less than $300 worth of chocolate. |
现在,让我们卷起袖子,开始学习。 如果您理解了前面的示例,应该不会太困难。
首先,我们要弄清楚如果只带那种类型的巧克力,我们可以得到多少,这样我们就可以确定区间的上限。 例如,对于巧克力A,基于重量,我们最多可以带30条;基于价值,我们最多可以带37条;基于体积,我们最多可以带100条。
这些数字中的最小数字是30,这是我们可以带来的巧克力A的最大数量。 相同的步骤为我们提供了其余的最大数量,B-> 44,C-> 75,D-> 100。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 | import constraint problem = constraint.Problem() problem.addVariable('A', range(31)) problem.addVariable('B', range(45)) problem.addVariable('C', range(76)) problem.addVariable('D', range(101)) # We have 3kg = 3,000g available def weight_constraint(a, b, c, d): if (a*100 + b*45 + c*10 + d*25) <= 3000: return True # We have 1dm^3 = 1,000cm^3 available def volume_constraint(a, b, c, d): if (a*8*2.5*0.5 + b*6*2*0.5 * c*2*2*0.5 + d*3*3*0.5) <= 1000: return True # We can't exceed $300 def value_constraint(a, b, c, d): if (a*8 + b*6.8 + c*4 + d*3) < 300: return True problem.addConstraint(weight_constraint,"ABCD") problem.addConstraint(volume_constraint,"ABCD") problem.addConstraint(value_constraint,"ABCD") maximum_sweetness = 0 solution_found = {} solutions = problem.getSolutions() for s in solutions: current_sweetness = s['A']*10 + s['B']*8 + s['C']*4.5 + s['D']*3.5 if current_sweetness > maximum_sweetness: maximum_sweetness = current_sweetness solution_found = s print(""" The maximum sweetness we can bring is: {} We'll bring: {} A Chocolates, {} B Chocolates, {} C Chocolates, {} D Chocolates """.format(maximum_sweetness, solution_found['A'], solution_found['B'], solution_found['C'], solution_found['D'])) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | The maximum sweetness we can bring is: 365.0 We'll bring: 27 A Chocolates, 2 B Chocolates, 16 C Chocolates, 2 D Chocolates |
现在,为了获得更多乐趣,我们来制作数独(经典的9x9)求解器。 我们将从JSON文件中读取该难题,并找到该难题的所有解决方案(假设该难题有解决方案)。
该程序的问题之一是-我们如何存储值? 我们不能只是将矩阵作为变量添加到问题中,而让Python神奇地找出我们想要的东西。
我们将使用一个将像变量名一样的数字作为数字的系统(允许),并假装我们有一个矩阵。 索引从(1,1)开始,而不是通常的(0,0)。 使用它,我们将以惯常的方式访问板的元素。
然后我们注意到同一行中的单元格具有相同的第一个索引,例如 (1,x)为第一行。 我们可以轻松地遍历所有行,并说所有单元格必须包含不同的值。 列也是如此。 查看代码时,其他内容更容易理解。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | [[0, 9, 0, 7, 0, 0, 8, 6, 0], [0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0], [8, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 7, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 6], [0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 9], [0, 2, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0], [0, 5, 4, 0, 0, 8, 0, 7, 0]] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 | # 1 - - - - - - - - - # 2 - - - - - - - - - # 3 - - - - - - - - - # 4 - - - - - - - - - # 5 - - - - - - - - - # 6 - - - - - - - - - # 7 - - - - - - - - - # 8 - - - - - - - - - # 9 - - - - - - - - - # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 import constraint import json problem = constraint.Problem() # We're letting VARIABLES 11 through 99 have an interval of [1..9] for i in range(1, 10): problem.addVariables(range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10), range(1, 10)) # We're adding the constraint that all values in a row must be different # 11 through 19 must be different, 21 through 29 must be all different,... for i in range(1, 10): problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), range(i * 10 + 1, i * 10 + 10)) # Also all values in a column must be different # 11,21,31...91 must be different, also 12,22,32...92 must be different,... for i in range(1, 10): problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), range(10 + i, 100 + i, 10)) # The last rule in a sudoku 9x9 puzzle is that those nine 3x3 squares must have all different values, # we start off by noting that each square"starts" at row indices 1, 4, 7 for i in [1,4,7]: # Then we note that it's the same for columns, the squares start at indices 1, 4, 7 as well # basically one square starts at 11, the other at 14, another at 41, etc for j in [1,4,7]: square = [10*i+j,10*i+j+1,10*i+j+2,10*(i+1)+j,10*(i+1)+j+1,10*(i+1)+j+2,10*(i+2)+j,10*(i+2)+j+1,10*(i+2)+j+2] # As an example, for i = 1 and j = 1 (bottom left square), the cells 11,12,13, # 21,22,23, 31,32,33 have to be all different problem.addConstraint(constraint.AllDifferentConstraint(), square) file_name = input("Enter the name of the .json file containing the sudoku puzzle:") try: f = open(file_name,"r") board = json.load(f) f.close() except IOError: print ("Couldn't open file.") sys.exit() # We're adding a constraint for each number on the board (0 is an"empty" cell), # Since they're already solved, we don't need to solve them for i in range(9): for j in range(9): if board[i][j] != 0: def c(variable_value, value_in_table = board[i][j]): if variable_value == value_in_table: return True # Basically we're making sure that our program doesn't change the values already on the board # By telling it that the values NEED to equal the corresponding ones at the base board problem.addConstraint(c, [((i+1)*10 + (j+1))]) solutions = problem.getSolutions() for s in solutions: print("==================") for i in range(1,10): print("|", end='') for j in range(1,10): if j%3 == 0: print(str(s[i*10+j])+" |", end='') else: print(str(s[i*10+j]), end='') print("") if i%3 == 0 and i!=9: print("------------------") print("==================") if len(solutions) == 0: print("No solutions found.") |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | ================== |295 | 743 | 861 | |431 | 865 | 927 | |876 | 192 | 345 | ------------------ |387 | 459 | 216 | |612 | 387 | 594 | |549 | 216 | 783 | ------------------ |768 | 524 | 139 | |923 | 671 | 458 | |154 | 938 | 672 | ================== ================== |295 | 743 | 861 | |431 | 865 | 927 | |876 | 192 | 345 | ------------------ |387 | 459 | 216 | |612 | 387 | 594 | |549 | 216 | 738 | ------------------ |763 | 524 | 189 | |928 | 671 | 453 | |154 | 938 | 672 | ================== ================== |295 | 743 | 861 | |431 | 865 | 927 | |876 | 192 | 543 | ------------------ |387 | 459 | 216 | |612 | 387 | 495 | |549 | 216 | 738 | ------------------ |763 | 524 | 189 | |928 | 671 | 354 | |154 | 938 | 672 | ================== |
如果我们尝试运行不带该部分的代码,则该程序将尝试并提出所有可想象的数独拼图。 这也可能是一个无休止的循环。
约束编程既有趣又与众不同,当然也有其缺点。 使用约束编程解决的每个问题都可以用命令式的方式编写,其运行时间相等或更好(在大多数情况下)。
我最近有一个现实的例子。 我的一个朋友(几个月前才了解Python的存在)需要解决她正在从事的一项物理化学研究项目的问题。
1 2 3 4 5 6 | Generate all combinations (that have a length equal to the number of keys) of values stored in a dictionary (the order of output doesn't matter). The dictionary is {String : List_of_Strings}. In such a way that every combination has exactly one value from the List_of_Strings of a key. You don't know the number of keys in the dictionary in advance, nor do you know how long a List_of_String is, every List_of_String can be of different length. I.e. the dictionary is dynamically generated via user input. Example input: dictionary = {"A" : [1,2],"B" -> [4],"C" -> [5,6,7],"D" -> [8,9]} Example output: (1,4,5,8), (1,4,5,8), (1,4,6,8), (1,4,6,9), (1,4,7,8).... |
我什至无法想到一个当务之急的好的解决方案。 至少在5分钟内,我花了几行代码就解决了约束编程中的问题。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | import constraint # input example generated_dictionary = {'A' : [1,2], 'B' : [4], 'C' : [5,6,7], 'D' : [8,9]} problem = constraint.Problem() for key, value in generated_dictionary.items(): problem.addVariable(key, value) solutions = problem.getSolutions() for solution in solutions: print(solution) |
而已。 我们只是没有添加任何约束,程序为我们生成了所有可接受的组合。 在她的情况下,该程序在运行时的最小差异与它的编写速度和可读性无关紧要。
实现了回溯(和递归回溯)功能,以及基于最小冲突理论的问题解决器。 可以将它们作为参数传递给
就可读性和易于开发某些程序而言,约束编程是惊人的,但是这样做却以运行时为代价。 对于特定问题,由开发者决定哪个对他/她更重要。